Mark Johnson Mark Johnson

Chancellor’s Announcement: Vaccination Policy and Campus Status Update

Our campuses have been officially closed (with some exceptions) since March 2020 in order to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. While we are excited about the prospect of opening the campuses for in-person instruction and vibrant campus activities, caution and diligence are still needed to help keep our community safe and healthy.   

As I mentioned at the June 22nd Board of Trustees meeting, we are taking a phased approach to our return to campus. The health and safety of students and employees has been and remains our top priority. The Board of Trustees has endorsed the following policy: 

Our campuses have been officially closed (with some exceptions) since March 2020 in order to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. While we are excited about the prospect of opening the campuses for in-person instruction and vibrant campus activities, caution and diligence are still needed to help keep our community safe and healthy.   

As I mentioned at the June 22nd Board of Trustees meeting, we are taking a phased approach to our return to campus. The health and safety of students and employees has been and remains our top priority. The Board of Trustees has endorsed the following policy: 

Peralta Community College District Board Policy 

COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement 

Policy Statement: 

As a condition of employment all existing and new Peralta Community College District (PCCD) faculty, classified employees, administrators, hourly employees (short-term temporary employees), contract employees, and student employees (henceforth referred to as “employee groups”), must provide proof of “full” COVID-19 vaccination (as defined by the U.S. Center for Disease Control) or submit a request for exception on medical, disability, religious grounds, or a deferral based on pregnancy. In addition, all non-COVID-19 vaccinated employee groups will be required to wear N95 Masks at all times while on PCCD controlled property; and must be tested weekly for COVID-19.  

Effective August 2, 2021                                                                                          

Historical Perspective 

Since the California economy reopened on June 15th the cases of COVID in Alameda County have increased dramatically. On July 9, an announcement was sent on behalf of the Alameda County Public Health Department to warn about the spread of COVID, including the highly contagious Delta variant.   

On July 26th, Governor Newsom announced that all state workers and workers in health care and high-risk congregate settings will be required to either show proof of full vaccination or be tested at least once per week. The new policy for state workers – which includes employees of the Peralta Community College District – will take effect August 2nd. Alameda County residents who are not yet vaccinated can sign up for the vaccine here.   

The campuses were officially closed through July 31 with exceptions for in-person labs, athletics conditioning, and other work activities deemed essential. With the end of the summer session, we intend to extend the general campus closure policy to August 22, 2021.  Between July 31 to August 22, along with the above exemptions, employees performing tasks that are deemed essential in support of the expanded in-person course offerings scheduled for the fall semester and/or maintenance and security personnel will be allowed on campus. 

On August 23, we plan to change the language from “closed with exceptions” to “open with limits” while we safely and deliberately plan for a full return to campuses in January 2022. 

“Open with limits” will look very much like “closed with exceptions” with employees and students required to check in before attending class, athletic training, or essential on-campus work. In other words, the campuses will be open but limited to critical staff necessary to provide support services, maintenance and safety personnel, faculty and students that have in-person labs and classes, as well as coaches and athletes participating in athletic activities.  

Next Steps 

Throughout the Fall semester we will continue to refine our return to campus plans and the systems needed for safe operation like HVAC for air flow, drinking water and plumbing, etc. During the semester, we would like to offer limited in-person student services, but the start of this service is still to be determined while working with key stakeholders. As return to campus plans are solidified, they will be negotiated with each of the collective bargaining units and then communicated to the District community.    

In the meantime, I again want to thank all of you for the amazing work you do to help our students succeed.     

Visit for the latest information about the COVID-19 pandemic and Peralta Community College District.  This policy as well as the associated administrative procedures can be found there.  

Thank you, and stay well,


Interim Chancellor 

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Alameda County Public Health Announcement: COVID Cases are Increasing

Dear Peralta Community,

I'm writing to share information we received on July 8 from the Alameda County Public Health Department. You can read their press release online here, and I've copied the message in full below. 


Alameda County is experiencing an increase in COVID-19 cases that threatens to exceed the Spring wave seen earlier this year. Hospitalizations are also on the rise. In early June, cases and hospitalizations were at their lowest levels since April 2020. The daily number of cases averaged as low as 28 per day. As of today daily cases are averaging over 70 per day, with over 100 new cases reported on some recent days. New cases are impacting those communities where vaccination rates are lowest, including in priority neighborhoods that have already been hit hardest by COVID-19. 

The latest increases are likely due to reopened activities along with decreasing mask use. The Delta variant is likely having an impact too. While a small number of generally mild cases are reported among vaccinated residents, the vast majority of new cases are in unvaccinated people.

“We expect to see more COVID-19 with reopening, but the rate of this increase is concerning,” said Dr. Nicholas Moss, Alameda County Health Officer. “COVID-19 is a serious threat to the health and wellness of unvaccinated residents. If you are still deciding about vaccination, continue to follow COVID safety precautions to keep from catching or spreading the virus, like wearing your mask in indoor public settings and outdoor crowded spaces. If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, please get tested and if you’re positive, stay home until you have completed your isolation.”

Getting COVID-19 can still lead to severe illness, hospitalization, and death for unvaccinated individuals, including youth and young adults. Vaccination is the best protection against severe COVID-19 infection.

“There are many reasons why a person may have chosen not to get vaccinated yet. Many of our residents have experiences with the medical industry that make them pause when considering whether to get vaccinated,” said Kimi Watkins-Tartt, Alameda County Public Health Director. “My message right now to our community: COVID-19 has not gone away and it is still making people very sick. Get vaccinated to protect yourself and your family and friends. 

Alameda County continues to prioritize vaccinating residents in our disproportionally impacted neighborhoods by partnering closely with community organizations on outreach and operating hyperlocal vaccination sites where vaccination rates are lower. The Alameda County Health Care Services Agency issued a $12 million RFP last month to support and expand these efforts which have proven to be more successful at reaching residents where they are.

“Talk to your friends, family members, religious leader, or health care provider today. Ask your questions and get the information you need to make the decision that is right for you. When you are ready, we’ll be ready for you and in your neighborhood,” said Dr. Jocelyn Freeman Garrick, Alameda County’s lead for COVID-19 vaccinations and testing. “Vaccine is free for everyone 12 and up and all currently available vaccines are recommended by medical professionals because they are effective. You don’t need insurance and you won’t be asked for your immigration status.”



Thank you and be well,



Mark Johnson 

Executive Director, Marketing, Communication & Public Relations

Peralta Community College District

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Chancellor’s Announcement: Shelter in Place Rescinded

Dear Peralta Community,

I am writing to update you on the Peralta Community College District (PCCD) Chancellor Search.

First and foremost, I would like to personally thank the search committee members, search forum participants, and every individual in the community who participated in this important process. Please know that your time and hard work are invaluable to the process and greatly appreciated by the Board of Trustees.

Dear Peralta Community,  

Alameda County has released Health Officer Order Number 21-01a which took effect at 12:01 am on Tuesday June 15, 2021. This new order rescinds the Alameda County shelter in place order that has been in effect (in some form) since March 2020. After nearly 15 months, the shelter in place order implemented to help keep the community safe from the spread of COVID-19 has been lifted. That is good news for sure.   

But what does that mean for us here in the Peralta Community College District? 

From now through the end of our summer semester in July, we will continue with what we have been doing to prevent the spread of COVID:  

Campuses will remain officially closed with some exceptions for in-person classes, athletics, and individuals performing tasks deemed to be essential for the organization.  

As we have said throughout the pandemic, the health and safety of students and employees is our top priority. And that remains the case. While the number of COVID-19 infections in Alameda County have dropped, they have not disappeared. We need to remain vigilant: get vaccinated, wash your hands frequently, and cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. If you are sick, stay home and rest. PCCD employees must continue to follow Cal/OSHA guidelines

Each of the colleges are working along with the district on our “Return to Campus” plans. These plans in turn are discussed during a weekly district Emergency Operations Center meeting that includes executive leadership, subject matter experts from Risk Management and Health Services, and leaders from each of the collective bargaining units so all employees are represented appropriately. We are planning for a gradual and safe return to campus, and to date have not set a specific timeline for a full re-opening of in-person instruction and on-campus work. As plans are solidified, they will be negotiated with each of the collective bargaining units and then communicated out to the community.  

In the meantime, thank you all for the amazing work you do to help our students succeed.  

Visit for the latest information about the COVID-19 pandemic and Peralta Community College District.   


Thank you, and stay well,  

Dr. Jannett N. Jackson

Interim Chancellor

Peralta Community College District

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Laney College COVID-19 Update

Dear Laney Community,

I am writing to inform you that a student has reported testing positive for COVID-19. As it is a confirmed positive result, the College is obligated by law to communicate this with the campus community. College administration learned of this Thursday, and to protect everyone’s health and safety, this message serves as notification, though we cannot identify the individual who tested positive for the virus due to privacy laws.

Dear Laney Community,

I am writing to inform you that a student has reported testing positive for COVID-19. As it is a confirmed positive result, the College is obligated by law to communicate this with the campus community. College administration learned of this Thursday, and to protect everyone’s health and safety, this message serves as notification, though we cannot identify the individual who tested positive for the virus due to privacy laws.

On May 27, 2021, a Laney College employee reported that a student had tested positive, reporting it the same day. The student has advised that they will remain at home in quarantine for 2 weeks and until such time as they have a confirmed negative and medical clearance to return to campus per CDC guidelines. In addition to this individual, a group of students who were in proximity were notified and have also been made aware of testing resources.

The health and well-being of our students and employees are paramount. If you develop flu or other symptoms including dry cough and fever, please contact your medical provider.

During this time of Orange Tier status, please exercise the requisite precautions when coming to campus. Employees who have such business on campus should submit the Campus Access Request Form - - so that their supervisor may review.

The Laney College campus remains officially closed until July 31, 2021, with exceptions made for individuals teaching on campus or performing work on campus after notifying and receiving approval through our access process.

We ask that you abide by Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines to protect your health and those around you. They are as follows:

§ Abide by state guidelines as it relates to counties in the Orange Tier (

§ Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

§ If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.

§ Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

§ Follow all recommendations provided by the CDC.

§ If you have medical questions, please contact your health care provider. Students with concerns can contact the Roots Clinic at (510) 533-1248 (please provide your student ID during the call).

§ If you, or someone in your household, shows COVID-19 related symptoms, please notify Human Resources, your immediate supervisor, Vice President Derek Pinto, or me. Be assured that we will maintain confidentiality to the highest degree possible.

As everyone’s health and safety are our priority, we will continue to assess the situation and provide updates.

For any further questions, please contact Administrative Services at Also, please visit for the most up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 for students, faculty/staff, and the community.

We appreciate everyone continuing to do their best to support our students and colleagues.


Rudy Besikof
Laney College

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Leadership Statement on the George Floyd Murder Trial

Dear Peralta Community, 

Today, the jury trial for the murder of George Floyd concluded.  In this case, the jury has found Derek Chauvin to be guilty of the charges of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.

Dear Peralta Community, 

Today, the jury trial for the murder of George Floyd concluded.  In this case, the jury has found Derek Chauvin to be guilty of the charges of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.

While this particular case has reached a conclusion, we want to acknowledge that pain and anguish of racism and violence against people of color persist. Our work to fight systemic racism, to create and foster social justice, continues.

We’ve made progress. In January, Peralta changed our policing model, replacing armed sheriff's officers with unarmed uniformed safety and security professionals. Our commitment to diversity, respect, and restorative justice within our own community is unwavering. Indeed, these are core values here at the Peralta Community College District.

We know that this has been an extremely challenging time for our community, and we know more challenges will confront us in the days ahead. With this jury decision, some measure of justice has been rendered.  We must continue to be vigilant.

So let us remember: we are stronger by our human connections. Please take a moment to check in with your co-workers, colleagues, friends, and family. An encouraging word and a moment of focused listening can be an important source of support for those close to us.  We at the Peralta Community College District, from the Board of Trustees to the administrative teams at the District and Colleges, want to thank you for your vigilance and support. 

Again, thank you and be safe,   

Dr. Jannett Jackson, Interim Chancellor, Peralta Community College District   
Dr. Angélica Garcia, President, Berkeley City College  
Dr. David M. Johnson, President, Merritt College  
Dr. Nathaniel Jones III, President, College of Alameda 
Dr. Rudy Besikof, President, Laney College 

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College of Alameda COVID-19 Update

Dear COA Community, 

We learned yesterday that another individual participating in a Career Education lab has tested positive for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. The health and well-being of our students and employees is of paramount importance. While we cannot identify the individual who tested positive for the virus because of privacy laws, we have gathered the names of those few students and instructor that worked in proximity with the person who tested positive. Following our safety protocols, those students/employee(s) have already been contacted and advised to self-quarantine and follow up with their health care provider. The district has been informed of this exposure and will begin contact tracing procedures.

Dear COA Community, 

We learned yesterday that another individual participating in a Career Education lab has tested positive for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. The health and well-being of our students and employees is of paramount importance. While we cannot identify the individual who tested positive for the virus because of privacy laws, we have gathered the names of those few students and instructor that worked in proximity with the person who tested positive. Following our safety protocols, those students/employee(s) have already been contacted and advised to self-quarantine and follow up with their health care provider. The district has been informed of this exposure and will begin contact tracing procedures.

The health and well-being of our community is our highest priority, and your active practicing of social distancing and COVID-19 prevention works to mitigate its spread.  If you develop flu or other symptoms including dry cough and fever, please contact your medical provider. As a response to protect everyone’s health and safety, this message serves as notification in accordance with state laws. 

During this time of both County of Alameda Orange Tier status and the January 25, 2021 Shelter-In-Place Orders, College of Alameda’s physical campus remains officially closed until May 29, 2021, with exceptions made for individuals performing essential roles on campus.  If you need to access the campus for essential work functions, continue to submit your request to access the campus via the CoA Facility Access Log located on the College’s home web page. 

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aaron harbour aaron harbour

College of Alameda COVID-19 Update

Dear COA Community,

We learned late yesterday that an individual participating in a Career Education lab has tested positive for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. The health and well-being of our students and employees is of paramount importance.

Dear COA Community,

We learned late yesterday that an individual participating in a Career Education lab has tested positive for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. The health and well-being of our students and employees is of paramount importance. While we cannot identify the individual who tested positive for the virus because of privacy laws, we have gathered the names of those few students and instructor that worked in proximity with the person who tested positive. Following our safety protocols, those students/employee(s) have already been contacted and advised to self-quarantine and follow up with their health care provider. The district has been informed of this exposure and will begin contact tracing procedures.

The health and well-being of our community is our highest priority, and your active practicing of social distancing and COVID-19 prevention works to mitigate its spread. If you develop flu or other symptoms including dry cough and fever, please contact your medical provider. As a response to protect everyone’s health and safety, this message serves as notification in accordance with state laws.

During this time of both County of Alameda Orange Tier status and the January 25, 2021 Shelter-In-Place Orders, College of Alameda’s physical campus remains officially closed until May 29, 2021, with exceptions made for individuals performing essential roles on campus. If you need to access the campus for essential work functions, continue to submit your request to access the campus via the Building Access Form located on the College’s home web page.

We ask that you abide by Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines to protect your health and those around you. They are as follows:

  • Abide by state guidelines as it relates to counties in the Orange Tier. Also, please observe the guidelines established by CA Department of Health: Shelter-In-Place Orders Revised

  • Abide by the guidelines established by the County of Alameda Health Department

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

  • If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Follow all recommendations provided by the CDC.

If you have medical questions, please contact your health care provider. Students with concerns can contact the Roots Clinic at (510) 533-1248 (please provide your student ID during the call). Please visit for the most up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 for students, faculty/staff, and the community.

If you, or someone in your household, shows COVID-19 related symptoms, please notify Human Resources, your immediate supervisor, supervising Vice President, or me. Be assured that we will maintain confidentiality to the highest degree possible.

As everyone’s health and safety are our priority, we will continue to assess the situation and provide updates as appropriate.

Thank you for continuing to do your part to keep our community healthy and safe.

Warmest regards,
Nathaniel Jones III, Ph.D., MBA
College of Alameda
410-952-3652 (cell)

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Berkeley College COVID-19 Update

Dear Berkeley City College Community, 

I am writing to inform you of a colleague’s exposure to someone who tested positive for COVID-19. 

Yesterday, the College was informed that an employee who had last been to campus on 3/29/2021 and 3/30/2021 was exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19.  The employee is home and quarantining.  The district has been informed of this exposure and will begin contact tracing procedures. As you are aware, the College follows a strict process for accessing the campus. If you were on campus on March 30th or April 1st, you may want to consider contacting your health provider to be tested.    

Dear Berkeley City College Community, 

I am writing to inform you of a colleague’s exposure to someone who tested positive for COVID-19. 

Yesterday, the College was informed that an employee who had last been to campus on 3/29/2021 and 3/30/2021 was exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19.  The employee is home and quarantining.  The district has been informed of this exposure and will begin contact tracing procedures. As you are aware, the College follows a strict process for accessing the campus. If you were on campus on March 30th or April 1st, you may want to consider contacting your health provider to be tested.    

The health and well-being of our community is paramount and your active practicing of social distancing and COVID-19 prevention works to mitigate its spread.  If you develop flu or other symptoms including dry cough and fever, please contact your medical provider. As a response to protect everyone’s health and safety, this message serves as notification, though we cannot identify the individual due to privacy laws. 

During this time of both County of Alameda Orange Tier status and the January 25, 2021 Shelter-In-Place Orders, Berkeley City College’s physical campus remains officially closed until May 29, 2021, with exceptions made for individuals performing essential roles on campus.  If you need to access the campus for essential work functions, continue to submit your request to access the campus via the Building Access Form located on the College’s home web page.   

We ask that you abide by Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines to protect your health and those around you.  They are as follows: 

  • Abide by state guidelines as it relates to counties in the Orange Tier. Also, please observe the guidelines established by CA Department of Health: Shelter-In-Place Orders Revised

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

  • If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry. 

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. 

If you have medical questions, please contact your health care provider. Students with concerns can contact the Roots Clinic at (510) 533-1248 (please provide your student ID during the call). Please visit for the most up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 for students, faculty/staff, and the community. 

If you, or someone in your household, shows COVID-19 related symptoms, please notify Human Resources, your immediate supervisor, supervising Vice President, or me.  Be assured that we will maintain confidentiality to the highest degree possible.    

As everyone’s health and safety are our priority, we will continue to assess the situation and provide updates.  

Thank you for continuing to do your part to keep our community healthy and safe.  


Dr. Angélica Garcia (she| her| ella)


Berkeley City College

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Merritt College COVID-19 Update

Good evening, all.

This morning we were informed by a PCCD employee that they had tested positive for COVID-19. The employee is now at home under quarantine. We have confirmed that the individual was in close proximity with another co-worker, so that person has been asked to quarantine as well. At this time, we are not aware of anyone else with whom they came into contact.

Good evening, all.

This morning we were informed by a PCCD employee that they had tested positive for COVID-19. The employee is now at home under quarantine. We have confirmed that the individual was in close proximity with another co-worker, so that person has been asked to quarantine as well. At this time, we are not aware of anyone else with whom they came into contact.

The health and well-being of our students and employees are paramount, so if you develop the flu or other symptoms (including dry cough and fever), please contact your medical provider. Please note that we are sending this communication out of concern for everyone’s safety, but we cannot identify the individual who tested positive for the virus due to privacy laws.

Be safe and take care. 


David M. Johnson, Ph.D.


Merritt College

(510) 436-2501

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COVID-19 vaccinations available from City of Berkeley

Dear Peralta Employees,

Matthai Chakko from City of Berkeley just let me know that additional appointments for vaccinations next week are available to ALL Peralta Community College District employees thanks to our work as educators. Here are some new appointment links:

Dear Peralta Employees,

Matthai Chakko from City of Berkeley just let me know that additional appointments for vaccinations next week are available to ALL Peralta Community College District employees thanks to our work as educators. Here are some new appointment links:

You can make an appointment now at Berkeley Public Health’s mass vaccination site at 1 Buchanan Street. Follow the links below for appointments by date:

After scheduling, you will receive a confirmation email with the date and time of your appointment. We will verify appointments with identification at the site. You will not be asked about immigration status.

You can find more info in the City of Berkeley email that Matthai forwarded here.

We certainly appreciate our government colleagues at the City of Berkeley for making this opportunity available to educators in Alameda County, including the employees at the Peralta Community College District.

I wish you all the best as we head into Spring Break next week. Have fun and stay safe!

Please be well,


Mark Johnson

Executive Director

Department of Marketing, Communication & Public Relations

Peralta Community College District

333 East 8th Street Oakland CA 94606 | 510.466.7369

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COVID-19 vaccinations available in Berkeley

Dear Peralta Employees,

I'm writing to let you know that COVID-19 vaccinations are available to ALL Peralta Community College District employees via the City of Berkeley. I received this message from Matthai K. Chakko, the City Communications Director, earlier today:

Dear Peralta Employees,

I'm writing to let you know that COVID-19 vaccinations are available to ALL Peralta Community College District employees via the City of Berkeley. I received this message from Matthai K. Chakko, the City Communications Director, earlier today:

I want to be sure that Berkeley City College and Peralta employees are aware of vaccination appointments available to employees, all of whom are part of the education sector.
We have some available this week. Anyone in the education sector in Alameda County is eligible. Please see below. Signups go fast.

Employees interested in vaccinations should sign up for notifications from the City of Berkeley at They should also register at, which will become the primary way of registering in the future.
Supporting Peralta is important to me and our organization, so please let me know if you need anything further from me.

For more information, please see this email that Matthai also forwarded:

We certainly appreciate our government colleagues at the City of Berkeley for making this opportunity available to educators in Alameda County, including the employees at the Peralta Community College District.

Please be well,


Mark Johnson

Executive Director

Department of Marketing, Communication & Public Relations

Peralta Community College District

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aaron harbour aaron harbour

Laney College COVID-19 Announcement

Dear Laney Community, 

I am writing to inform you that a student has reported testing positive for COVID-19.  As it is a confirmed positive result, the College is obligated by law to communicate this with the campus community.  College administration learned of this yesterday, and to protect everyone’s health and safety, this message serves as notification, though we cannot identify the individual who tested positive for the virus due to privacy laws.

Dear Laney Community, 

I am writing to inform you that a student has reported testing positive for COVID-19.  As it is a confirmed positive result, the College is obligated by law to communicate this with the campus community.  College administration learned of this yesterday, and to protect everyone’s health and safety, this message serves as notification, though we cannot identify the individual who tested positive for the virus due to privacy laws.

On March 16, 2021, a Laney College employee reported a student had tested positive, reporting it the same day. The student has been asked to remain in quarantine until such time as they have a confirmed negative and medical clearance to return to campus, being asked to remain off-campus for 10 days per CDC guidelines.   In addition to the student, a group of students who were in proximity were notified and will also cease activity on campus for 10 days.  

The health and well-being of our students and employees are paramount. If you develop flu or other symptoms including dry cough and fever, please contact your medical provider.   

During this time of both Red Tier status, please avoid making unnecessary trips to Laney College or any campus unless you are performing essential functions.   Employees who have such urgent business on campus should submit the Campus Access Request Form - - so that their supervisor may review. 

The Laney College campus remains officially closed through the Summer 2021 semester, with exceptions made for individuals performing essential roles or requesting access to campus through the Laney request process.  

We ask that you abide by Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines to protect your health and those around you.  They are as follows: 

§  Abide by state guidelines as it relates to counties in the Red Tier.  

§  Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. 

§  If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry. 

§  Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. 

§  Follow all recommendations provided by the CDC

§  If you have medical questions, please contact your health care provider. Students with concerns can contact the Roots Clinic at (510) 533-1248 (please provide your student ID during the call).         

§  If you, or someone in your household, shows COVID-19 related symptoms, please notify Human Resources, your immediate supervisor, Vice President Derek Pinto, or me.  Be assured that we will maintain confidentiality to the highest degree possible. 


As everyone’s health and safety are our priority, we will continue to assess the situation and provide updates.   

For any further questions, please contact Administrative Services at Also, please visit for the most up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 for students, faculty/staff, and the community.  

We appreciate everyone continuing to do their best to support our students and colleagues.    


Rudy Besikof 


Laney College 

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aaron harbour aaron harbour

Laney College COVID-19 Announcement

Dear Laney Community,   

I am writing to inform you that a student has reported testing positive for COVID-19.  As it is a confirmed positive result, the College is obligated by law to communicate this with the campus community.  College administration learned of this yesterday, and to protect everyone’s health and safety, this message serves as notification, though we cannot identify the individual who tested positive for the virus due to privacy laws.

Dear Laney Community,   

I am writing to inform you that a student has reported testing positive for COVID-19.  As it is a confirmed positive result, the College is obligated by law to communicate this with the campus community.  College administration learned of this yesterday, and to protect everyone’s health and safety, this message serves as notification, though we cannot identify the individual who tested positive for the virus due to privacy laws.

On March 10, 2021, a Laney College student reported a positive test to an employee. The student has been asked to remain in quarantine until such time as they have a confirmed negative and medical clearance to return to campus, being asked to remain off-campus for 10 days per CDC guidelines.   In addition to the student, a group of students who were in proximity were notified and will also cease activity on campus for 10 days.

The health and well-being of our students and employees are paramount. If you develop flu or other symptoms including dry cough and fever, please contact your medical provider.    

During this time of both Red Tier status, please avoid making unnecessary trips to Laney College or any campus unless you are performing essential functions.   Employees who have such urgent business on campus should submit the Campus Access Request Form - - so that their supervisor may review. 

The Laney College campus remains officially closed through the Summer 2021 semester, with exceptions made for individuals performing essential roles or requesting access to campus through the Laney request process.   

We ask that you abide by Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines to protect your health and those around you.  They are as follows: 


§  Abide by state guidelines as it relates to counties in the Red Tier. 

§  Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. 

§  If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry. 

§  Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. 

§  Follow all recommendations provided by the CDC

§  If you have medical questions, please contact your health care provider. Students with concerns can contact the Roots Clinic at (510) 533-1248 (please provide your student ID during the call).         

§  If you, or someone in your household, shows COVID-19 related symptoms, please notify Human Resources, your immediate supervisor, Vice President Derek Pinto, or me.  Be assured that we will maintain confidentiality to the highest degree possible.  

As everyone’s health and safety are our priority, we will continue to assess the situation and provide updates. 

For any further questions, please contact Administrative Services at Also, please visit for the most up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 for students, faculty/staff, and the community. 

We appreciate everyone continuing to do their best to support our students and colleagues.    


Rudy Besikof 


Laney College 

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Chancellor Announcement: Update on summer and fall 2021 semesters

Dear Peralta Community, 

I’m writing to help us all in our planning for summer and fall 2021 semesters.   

We continue to work closely with local public health officials and the State Chancellor's Office while we serve the community and meet our mission. Berkeley City College, College of Alameda, Laney College and Merritt College will continue to offer the majority of the courses and services as online or hybrid this summer and fall semester. 

Dear Peralta Community, 

I’m writing to help us all in our planning for summer and fall 2021 semesters.   

We continue to work closely with local public health officials and the State Chancellor's Office while we serve the community and meet our mission. Berkeley City College, College of Alameda, Laney College and Merritt College will continue to offer the majority of the courses and services as online or hybrid this summer and fall semester. 

Summer 2021 

All course offerings will be 100% online except a limited number of Career Education and Athletic Conditioning courses that will be determined by the College leadership and will be conducted in alignment with all safety and social distancing protocols.  

Student services will continue to be offered online, including Admissions and Records, Financial Aid, and Counseling, to name a few. 

The campuses at the four colleges and the District office will remain officially closed through the summer semester and the end of July 2021, with the same exceptions as we have now (individuals performing essential tasks on site, the limited classes with face-to-face instruction, and the coached athletic conditioning sessions).  

Fall 2021 

The majority of courses will continue to be offered 100% online with limited hybrid and face-to-face course offerings to include Career Education, Athletic Conditioning, Science Laboratories, and selected courses and/or programs to be determined by the College leadership. Additionally, the administration is considering offering limited Student Services face-to-face support for students, but no formal determination has been made.  

The situation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic seems to be changing for the better and on March 2 the Governor lifted the statewide “stay at home” order. However, the vaccination process is taking time and the Alameda County “shelter in place” order remains in effect. Rest assured, the health and safety of Peralta Community College District students, employees and community members has been and remains our top priority in this pandemic. 

I want to thank all of you: faculty, classified professionals, and administrators, for your continued dedication to serving students during these challenging times. I also thank you for your patience as we navigate the many changes the pandemic presents us.  

Visit for the latest information about the COVID-19 pandemic and Peralta Community College District.   

Thank you, stay and be well, 

Dr. Carla Walter

Interim Chancellor

Peralta Community College District

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Feel confident in the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine

The COVID-19 vaccine is a vital tool to help end the pandemic. Because the vaccine was developed so quickly, some may have concerns about its safety and effectiveness. Plus, social and cultural considerations may make some employees hesitant to get vaccinated. There’s also been a lot of conflicting information going around, so it makes sense that you may have questions. As an employer, we’re one of the most trusted sources of information on COVID-19 for you.

The COVID-19 vaccine is a vital tool to help end the pandemic. Because the vaccine was developed so quickly, some may have concerns about its safety and effectiveness. Plus, social and cultural considerations may make some employees hesitant to get vaccinated. There’s also been a lot of conflicting information going around, so it makes sense that you may have questions. As an employer, we’re one of the most trusted sources of information on COVID-19 for you.

These resources can help answer your questions and build confidence in the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine:

·       Vaccine overview flyer: This piece provides an overview of what vaccines are, how they work, and why they’re important, as well as facts on the COVID-19 vaccine.

·       COVID-19 vaccine flyer: This piece provides details on the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine.

·       COVID-19 vaccine video (English)Elizabeth Hudson, DO, chief of infectious disease at Kaiser Permanente Panorama City Medical Center (California), talks about the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine.

·       COVID-19 vaccine video (Spanish)Daisy Dodd, MD, infectious disease specialist at Kaiser Permanente Anaheim Medical Center (California), talks about the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine.

A non-Kaiser member can receive a vaccine at Kaiser as long as they fall under the current vaccinating phase.


Here is the link to how to make an appointment as a member and a non-member

Together, we’ll continue to keep the workforce — and our communities — healthy and strong.


Harizon X. Odembo

District Benefits Manager

Department of Human Resources & Employee Relations

Peralta Community College District

333 East 8th Street Oakland CA 94606 | 510.587.7868

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Guidelines For Merritt College COVID-19 Screening

Good evening, Merritt Community.

I am writing to provide an update regarding our COVID-19 Screening Processes for the Spring 2021 semester. The Peralta Board of Trustees has approved a partnership with InGenesis to carry out these screenings at Merritt College, and the guidelines are as follows:

Good evening, Merritt Community.

I am writing to provide an update regarding our COVID-19 Screening Processes for the Spring 2021 semester. The Peralta Board of Trustees has approved a partnership with InGenesis to carry out these screenings at Merritt College, and the guidelines are as follows:

All persons will need to be evaluated by an InGenesis Temperature Screener before entering their offices/classrooms/places of business. The Temperature Screener will verbally present each individual with a survey containing a set of questions recommended and supported by the CDC and the California Department of Public Health. The survey screening tool will be laminated for easy cleaning. If the answer to any of the survey questions is “yes”, the individual will be informed by the Temperature Screener that they need to leave the Campus. If the individual answers “no” to the survey questions, the Temperature Screener will proceed to take the individual’s temperature. If the temperature is 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or greater, the individual will be informed by the Temperature Screener that they need to leave the Campus. Temperatures taken by the Temperature Screeners will be conducted using a non-contact forehead Infrared thermometer. If the individual answers “no” to the survey questions and does not have a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or greater, the Temperature Screener will offer the second level of COVID-19 screening (the Smell Test) to the individual. The Temperature Screener will provide the Smell Test Fact Sheet and Consent Form to individuals who agree to take the Smell Test. The Temperature Screener will inform individuals that if they fail the Smell Test they need to leave the Campus.After the individual has signed the Consent Form, the Temperature Screener will conduct the Smell Test. The Temperature Screener will provide the results to the individual. If an individual declines to take the Smell Test (after it is determined that they do not have a temperature of 100.4 degrees) they will be provided (and required to wear) an N95 mask. Used disposable PPE will be discarded in the lined trash bin throughout the shift. Staff trained in the handling and disposal of biohazardous waste will remove the trash and replace the liner daily. All frequently touched surfaces, tabletops, and any barriers at the screening station(s) will be cleaned and disinfected following OSHA and CDC guidelines.

The Screening Station for Merritt College is located in the R Building through the Student Center entrance in front of the Welcome Center. The Screener is scheduled to be present from 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday – Friday.

Faculty members who are holding face-to-face sections on campus need to confirm that their students have been screened. This can be done by requesting that the student present the test results from the screening. For those faculty members holding sections that meet at a time when the screener is not present, please have your students complete a self-screening form (I have attached a draft sample form that can be customized for your needs). Students are expected to complete the self-screening form before every class meeting. Students are also required to complete a general waiver form (attached as well) that the instructor should keep on file. PPE will be provided to the students by the college and everyone is expected to adhere to the PCCD COVID-19 Protocols (attached).

We understand that what has been outlined above may not address every scenario or challenge. We are simply attempting to do our best to keep everyone safe and sound. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns going forward please contact me or email VC Atheria Smith at

Take care of yourselves and each other…

David M. Johnson, Ph.D.
Merritt College
(510) 436-2501


Sample Merritt College Prescreen Form

PCCD COVID-19 Protocol Guidelines Oct 2020

COVID-19 Waiver - Merritt College

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Laney College COVID-19 Update

A student of Laney College has reported testing positive for COVID-19.  As it is a confirmed positive result, the College is obligated by law to communicate this with the campus community.  College administration learned of this yesterday, and to protect everyone’s health and safety, this message serves as notification, though we cannot identify the individuals who tested positive for the virus due to privacy laws.

Dear Laney Community,

I am writing to inform you that a student has reported testing positive for COVID-19.  As it is a confirmed positive result, the College is obligated by law to communicate this with the campus community.  College administration learned of this yesterday, and to protect everyone’s health and safety, this message serves as notification, though we cannot identify the individuals who tested positive for the virus due to privacy laws.

On February 16, 2021, a Laney College instructor reported a student became symptomatic on Feb 8, 2021 and subsequently tested positive on Feb 12, 2021.     The student was last on campus on February 2 and reported being exposed on February 3.   Upon the report of the positive test result to the instructor, the student was asked to remain off-campus for 10 days per CDC guidelines.

The health and well-being of our students and employees are paramount. If you develop flu or other symptoms including dry cough and fever, please contact your medical provider.    

During this time of both Purple Tier status, please avoid making unnecessary trips to Laney College or any campus unless you are performing essential functions.   Employees who have such urgent business on campus should submit the Campus Access Request Form - - so that their supervisor may review. 

The Laney College campus remains officially closed until May 29, 2021, with exceptions made for individuals performing essential roles on campus.  

We ask that you abide by Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines to protect your health and those around you.  They are as follows: 

§  Abide by state guidelines as it relates to counties in the Purple Tier.  Also, please observe the Stay-at-Home order from the state: 

§  Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. 

§  If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry. 

§  Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. 

§  Follow all recommendations provided by the CDC

§  If you have medical questions, please contact your health care provider. Students with concerns can contact the Roots Clinic at (510) 533-1248 (please provide your student ID during the call).         

§  If you, or someone in your household, shows COVID-19 related symptoms, please notify Human Resources, your immediate supervisor, Vice President Derek Pinto, or me.  Be assured that we will maintain confidentiality to the highest degree possible. 

As everyone’s health and safety are our priority, we will continue to assess the situation and provide updates. 

For any further questions, please contact Administrative Services at Also, please visit for the most up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 for students, faculty/staff, and the community. 

We appreciate everyone continuing to do their best to support our students and colleagues.  

Rudy Besikof 
Laney College 

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Berkeley City College COVID-19 Update

Dear Berkeley City College Community,

I am writing to inform you of a positive COVID-19 test that was reported by an employee today.

Earlier today, the College was informed that an employee who had been to campus on Tuesday, January 19th tested positive. The employee is home and quarantining. The district has been informed of this test positive and will begin contact tracing procedures. As you are aware, the College follows a strict process for accessing the campus. If you were on campus on January 19th, you may want to consider contacting your health provider to be tested.

January 27, 2021


Dear Berkeley City College Community,   

I am writing to inform you of a positive COVID-19 test that was reported by an employee today.   

Earlier today, the College was informed that an employee who had been to campus on Tuesday, January 19th tested positive.  The employee is home and quarantining.  The district has been informed of this test positive and will begin contact tracing procedures. As you are aware, the College follows a strict process for accessing the campus. If you were on campus on January 19th, you may want to consider contacting your health provider to be tested.   

The health and well-being of our community is paramount and your active practicing of social distancing and COVID-19 prevention works to mitigate its spread.  If you develop flu or other symptoms including dry cough and fever, please contact your medical provider. As a response to protect everyone’s health and safety, this message serves as notification, though we cannot identify the individuals who tested positive for the virus due to privacy laws. 

During this time of both Purple Tier status and the newly revised January 25, 2021 Shelter-In-Place Orders, Berkeley City College’s physical campus remains officially closed until May 29, 2021, with exceptions made for individuals performing essential roles on campus.  If you need to access the campus for essential work functions, continue to submit your request to access the campus via the Building Access Form located on the College’s home web page.

We ask that you abide by Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines to protect your health and those around you.  They are as follows: 

  • Abide by state guidelines as it relates to counties in the Purple Tier. Also, please observe the guidelines established by CA Department of Health: Shelter-In-Place Orders Revised

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

  • If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands 

If you have medical questions, please contact your health care provider. Students with concerns can contact the Roots Clinic at (510) 533-1248 (please provide your student ID during the call). Please visit for the most up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 for students, faculty/staff, and the community.         

If you, or someone in your household, shows COVID-19 related symptoms, please notify Human Resources, your immediate supervisor, supervising Vice President, or me.  Be assured that we will maintain confidentiality to the highest degree possible.     

As everyone’s health and safety are our priority, we will continue to assess the situation and provide updates. 


Thank you for continuing to do your part to keep our community healthy and safe.

Dr. Angélica Garcia (she| her| ella)
Berkeley City College

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Chancellor Update: Spring 2021 Labs

Dear Peralta Community,

I’m excited about the new year. And with the wonderful Flex Day activities of the past two days, I’m particularly energized and enthused about the spring 2021 semester. 

I have been meeting with the college presidents and other administrators plus classified and faculty union and senate leaders on a Chancellor’s Task Force for Decision Making in Public Health Emergencies. With their input and collaboration, the Board of Trustees allows instructors to teach “hard to convert online” classes and labs, as well as athletic conditioning, on campus this semester. This directive was made effective on January 19, 2021. 

Dear Peralta Community,

I’m excited about the new year. And with the wonderful Flex Day activities of the past two days, I’m particularly energized and enthused about the spring 2021 semester. 

I have been meeting with the college presidents and other administrators plus classified and faculty union and senate leaders on a Chancellor’s Task Force for Decision Making in Public Health Emergencies. With their input and collaboration, the Board of Trustees allows instructors to teach “hard to convert online” classes and labs, as well as athletic conditioning, on campus this semester. This directive was made effective on January 19, 2021. 

Rest assured, the health and safety of Peralta Community College District students, employees and community members has been and remains our top priority in this pandemic.

Before attending classes, labs or other activities that are held in person, students must first sign an acknowledgement form (or what we just refer to as the forms here) indicating they understand the risks and will follow the required protocols. We must have the signed acknowledgement form before they can participate in on-campus labs or activities. The acknowledgement forms can be found on Safe Peralta here.  

Instructors and coaches will be responsible for helping students sign these forms using AdobeSign. PFT President Dr. Jennifer Shanoski has already shared the forms and some training on the process with faculty members. My thanks to Dr. Shanoski for helping facilitate the process for getting the forms signed.  

Signed forms are to be shared with the VPs of Instruction at your college. The VPIs will maintain the archive of these signed acknowledgement forms for each college. All of this will be done electronically using Adobe Sign. Any student who wished to refrain from face-to-face interactions may do so; faculty will provide an alternative mode of learning for that student. 

Lab class instructors who wish to keep their classes online are encouraged to do so. Participation in face-to-face instruction is an “opt in” voluntary process for every faculty member. Faculty are required to follow the protocols and engage in screening of any student each class meeting. 

I want to thank all of you: faculty, classified professionals, and administrators, for your continued dedication to serving students during the pandemic. I also thank you for your patience as we navigate the many changes the pandemic presents us. 

Visit for the latest information about the COVID-19 pandemic and Peralta Community College District.  


Thank you, stay and be well, 

Dr. Carla Walter

Interim Chancellor

Peralta Community College District

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Peralta Safety Services Update - January 6, 2021

Peralta Community,

We want to update you on the progress we are making on new safety and security services at Peralta Community College District campuses and offices.  

Peralta Community,

We want to update you on the progress we are making on new safety and security services at Peralta Community College District campuses and offices.  

The District contract with Alameda County Sheriff’s Office ended Dec. 31, 2020, and we are pleased to report a smooth transition of safety services on New Year's Eve, from the sheriffs to the District’s safety service providers.  

The Peralta Safety Services plan includes four security services providers plus Merritt College Safety Aides (paid students enrolled in the Administration of Justice program) and faculty counselors employed by PCCD. Two vendors, Marina Security Services (Marina) and A1 Protective Services (A1) have been on-boarded and are providing safety services now.  The District is continuing to work with Community Ready Corps (CRC) and Zulu Protective Services (Zulu) to meet the District’s requirements and prepare them for the onboarding process.  A1 and Marina were on site over the holiday break and continue to provide safety services.  

Marina is operating the District switchboard and patrolling at the District offices 24/7. Both Marina and A1 are covering all security needs at Alameda, Laney, and Merritt Colleges, while A1 provides security at the Berkeley City College campus.   

In the next few weeks, Acting Vice Chancellor of General Services Atheria Smith will visit participatory governance, campus-based standing meetings, and other committee meetings to provide additional updates, answer questions, and continue the participatory governance processes of improving the District’s re-imagined safety plans and program. If you have any specific questions you would like AVC Smith to address while meeting with your campus, please reply to this message and I will compile the questions for AVC Smith to address.  

Lastly, concerns have been raised about qualifications for two of the vendors, Community Ready Corps and Zulu Protective Services, which have won preliminary contracts with the district to provide safety patrols.  We are evaluating concerns and issues raised about these two providers and have hired a respected security consultant, Knowledge Saves Lives to review their qualifications, experience, regulatory compliance, structure, and make a recommendation to the District.   

If you need safety and security service, please call the Peralta Safety Services switchboard at 510-466-7236. It is the same number as Peralta Police and rings to the District dispatch office now staffed by Marina Security Services.  

We will continue to provide updates on the District’s safety pilot program.   

Thank you and be safe,  

Mark Johnson

Executive Director

Department of Marketing, Communication & Public Relations

Peralta Community College District

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