College of Alameda COVID-19 Update

Dear COA Community, 

We learned yesterday that another individual participating in a Career Education lab has tested positive for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. The health and well-being of our students and employees is of paramount importance. While we cannot identify the individual who tested positive for the virus because of privacy laws, we have gathered the names of those few students and instructor that worked in proximity with the person who tested positive. Following our safety protocols, those students/employee(s) have already been contacted and advised to self-quarantine and follow up with their health care provider. The district has been informed of this exposure and will begin contact tracing procedures.

The health and well-being of our community is our highest priority, and your active practicing of social distancing and COVID-19 prevention works to mitigate its spread.  If you develop flu or other symptoms including dry cough and fever, please contact your medical provider. As a response to protect everyone’s health and safety, this message serves as notification in accordance with state laws. 

During this time of both County of Alameda Orange Tier status and the January 25, 2021 Shelter-In-Place Orders, College of Alameda’s physical campus remains officially closed until May 29, 2021, with exceptions made for individuals performing essential roles on campus.  If you need to access the campus for essential work functions, continue to submit your request to access the campus via the CoA Facility Access Log located on the College’s home web page. 


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College of Alameda COVID-19 Update