Laney College COVID-19 Update
Dear Laney Community,
I am writing to inform you of a positive COVID-19 test that was reported by an employee to the College today.
Dear Laney Community,
I am writing to inform you of a positive COVID-19 test that was reported by an employee to the College today.
On December 20, 2020, a Laney College employee reported experiencing possible symptoms to their supervisor. The individual had last been on campus on December 18, 2020. The employee was asked to get tested and coworkers in that individual's area were subsequently directed not to report to work that week and were asked to self-quarantine. The employee was tested during the winter closure and reported the positive result to their supervisor this morning. As it is now confirmed, we are obligated by law to share with the campus community.
The health and well-being of our students and employees are paramount. If you develop flu or other symptoms including dry cough and fever, please contact your medical provider. As a response to protect everyone’s health and safety, this message serves as notification, though we cannot identify the individuals who tested positive for the virus due to privacy laws.
During this time of both Purple Tier status and a Stay Home Order through January 4, 2021, please avoid making unnecessary trips to Laney College or any campus unless you are performing essential functions. Employees who have such urgent business on campus should submit the Campus Access Request Form - - so that their supervisor may review.
The Laney College campus remains officially closed until May 29, 2021, with exceptions made for individuals performing essential roles on campus.
We ask that you abide by Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines to protect your health and those around you. They are as follows:
Abide by state guidelines as it relates to counties in the Purple Tier. Also, please observe the Stay-at-Home order from the state:
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
Follow all recommendations provided by the CDC.
If you have medical questions, please contact your health care provider. Students with concerns can contact the Roots Clinic at (510) 533-1248 (please provide your student ID during the call).
If you, or someone in your household, shows COVID-19 related symptoms, please notify Human Resources, your immediate supervisor, Vice President Derek Pinto, or me. Be assured that we will maintain confidentiality to the highest degree possible.
As everyone’s health and safety are our priority, we will continue to assess the situation and provide updates.
For any further questions, please contact Administrative Services at Also, please visit for the most up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 for students, faculty/staff, and the community.
We appreciate everyone continuing to do their best to support our students and colleagues.
Rudy Besikof
Laney College
District COVID-19 Update
I have been notified recently that one of the employees from the Department of Human Resources & Employee Relations has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus and is currently in self-quarantine.
Dear District Office Employees,
I have been notified recently that one of the employees from the Department of Human Resources & Employee Relations has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus and is currently in self-quarantine. The employee was at the District Office between December 16 and December 22, 2020. Because of privacy laws, we cannot identify this particular employee.
The health and safety of our students and employees are important to us, so if you develop flu-like or other symptoms, please contact your medical provider immediately, and do not come to the District or any campus to work.
Please visit for up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 for students, faculty and staff.
Stay safe and healthy!
Dr. Ronald McKinley
Acting Vice Chancellor for Human Resources & Employee Relations
Peralta Community College District
COA COVID-19 update
Dear College of Alameda Community,
I have been notified recently that one of the employees from the College of Alameda has contracted the COVID-19 virus. The employee is currently being treated, and fortunately, has not been on campus for over a month. Because of privacy laws, we cannot identify this particular employee.
The health and safety of our students and employees are important to us, so if you develop flulike or other symptoms, please contact your medical provider immediately, and do not come to the District or any campus to work.
Please visit for up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 for students, faculty, and staff. Stay safe and healthy!
Dr. Ronald McKinley
Acting Vice Chancellor for Human Resources & Employee Relations
Chancellor’s announcement: COVID-19 update
While we remain open and offer classes remotely, COVID-19 cases are on the rise in our country, our state, and our local community. On December 6, 2020, Alameda County joined several counties in the Bay Area to implement the state’s new regional Stay Home order. The new order, Number 20-21, began on December 7, 2020 and remains in effect through January 4, 2021. This Order reflects new restrictions imposed by the State of California in its Blueprint for a Safer Economy for Counties in the Purple Tier of the State’s reopening framework and adds additional restrictions.
While we remain open and offer classes remotely, COVID-19 cases are on the rise in our country, our state, and our local community. On December 6, 2020, Alameda County joined several counties in the Bay Area to implement the state’s new regional Stay Home order. The new order, Number 20-21, began on December 7, 2020 and remains in effect through January 4, 2021. This Order reflects new restrictions imposed by the State of California in its Blueprint for a Safer Economy for Counties in the Purple Tier of the State’s reopening framework and adds additional restrictions.
So what does this mean for the Peralta Community College District? In short, work and study from home. The health and safety of our students and employees remains our top priority and following this order to stay home will help slow the spread of COVID-19. Please continue to work and study remotely and do not come to a college campus or the District office during the mandated Stay Home order unless it is absolutely necessary. Employees who need to access the college campuses to perform essential functions, should use your college access protocol to obtain approval.
All athletics team outdoor activities have been paused for the remainder of the Stay Home order.
As we head into the Spring 2021 semester that begins on January 25, 2021, we remain open yet all classes will be offered online, including non-essential Career Education (CE) courses and science labs. Essential CE courses may be limited to capstone courses only and /or may have a start date that is later than January 25, 2021. Athletics, including conditioning classes, will remain paused during the Spring 2021 semester.
We realize this is a difficult time for most of us to remain sheltered in place or to regress to earlier closure guidelines. We are doing all we can to keep our community safe and support student educational needs, now and into the future. We are open in the spring. Our dedicated faculty and staff are available online to support students. We have resources available including free Chromebook laptops and discounts for Internet service. We offer financial aid including grants like the California Promise Grant, which allows students who are first-time full-time community college attendees to do so for free. Additional grants and scholarships are available from the Peralta Colleges Foundation.
Visit for the latest information about the COVID-19 pandemic and Peralta Community College District.
Thank you, stay and be well,
Dr. Carla Walter
Interim Chancellor
Peralta Community College District
Laney College COVID-19 update
Dear Laney Colleagues,
I am writing to inform you of two confirmed positive COVID-19 tests from October that were confirmed by the College today. These are different than the ones that were reported in my email of 11/25/2020.
Laney senior leadership did not learn about them until last Friday evening, and they were confirmed earlier today. As they are now confirmed, we are obligated by law to share with the campus community.
Dear Laney Colleagues,
I am writing to inform you of two confirmed positive COVID-19 tests from October that were confirmed by the College today. These are different than the ones that were reported in my email of 11/25/2020.
Laney senior leadership did not learn about them until last Friday evening, and they were confirmed earlier today. As they are now confirmed, we are obligated by law to share with the campus community.
The health and well-being of our students and employees are paramount. If you develop flu or other symptoms including dry cough and fever, please contact your medical provider. As a response to protect everyone’s health and safety, this message serves as notification, though we cannot identify the individuals who tested positive for the virus due to privacy laws.
o On October 28, 2020 a student taking a lab class on campus tested positive. The student had not been to campus since Friday 10/16. No other students/staff reported being symptomatic.
o Another student enrolled in a lab class informed their instructor of a positive test on October 15, 2020 after informing their instructor of possible exposure three days earlier. This student had last attended on October 8 and self-quarantined for 10 days. The instructor reported that safety protocols were in place and no other student had close contact with the affected student. In addition, no other students have since been symptomatic.
During this time of both Purple Tier status and a Stay Home Order through January 4, 2021, please avoid making unnecessary trips to Laney College or any campus unless you are performing essential functions. Employees who have such urgent business on campus should submit the Campus Access Request Form - - so that their supervisor may review.
The Laney College campus remains officially closed until May 29, 2021, with exceptions made for individuals performing essential roles on campus.
We ask that you abide by Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines to protect your health and those around you. They are as follows:
· Abide by state guidelines as it relates to counties in the Purple Tier. Also, please observe the Stay-at-Home order from the state:
· Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
· If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
· Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
· Follow all recommendations provided by the CDC.
· If you have medical questions, please contact your health care provider. Students with concerns can contact the Roots Clinic at (510) 533-1248 (please provide your student ID during the call).
· If you, or someone in your household, shows COVID-19 related symptoms, please notify Human Resources, your immediate supervisor, Vice President Derek Pinto, or me. Be assured that we will maintain confidentiality to the highest degree possible.
As everyone’s health and safety are our priority, we will continue to assess the situation and provide updates.
For any further questions, please contact Administrative Services at Also, please visit for the most up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 for students, faculty/staff, and the community.
We appreciate everyone continuing to do their best to support our students and colleagues.
Rudy Besikof
Laney College
Exposure response guidelines for students, faculty and staff
We at Peralta are hard at work behind the scenes dealing with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic crisis. This includes monitoring the crisis at the county and state level, switching classes to mostly online modalities through at least Spring 2021, and establishing a course of action in the unfortunate event that a student, faulty member, or staff member is exposed to the virus.
We at Peralta are hard at work behind the scenes dealing with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic crisis. This includes monitoring the crisis at the county and state level, switching classes to mostly online modalities through at least Spring 2021, and establishing a course of action in the unfortunate event that a student, faulty member, or staff member is exposed to the virus.
HERE is a draft version of our plan for any student exposure and HERE is one for faculty and staff. These are living documents we will continue to advise to best fit the science/circumstances as we all try to get to the other side of this temporary (even if it doesn’t feel that way) crisis.
And as we think through what it will take to return to campus, HERE is the draft of our Return to Campus Protocol.
Let’s all do our part to keep our community safe: follow the state and local guidelines for activities, wear a mask, and be a shoulder to (remotely) lean on for those in our community who need help.
A message from the president of Laney College about COVID-19
The health and well-being of our students and employees are paramount. If you develop flu or other symptoms including dry cough and fever, please contact your medical provider. As a response to protect everyone’s health and safety, this message serves as notification. While we cannot identify the individuals who tested positive for the virus because of privacy laws, we have gathered the names of those few students and employees that worked in proximity with the two individuals who tested positive.
Dear Laney Colleagues,
I am writing to inform you of two confirmed positive COVID-19 tests.
The health and well-being of our students and employees are paramount. If you develop flu or other symptoms including dry cough and fever, please contact your medical provider. As a response to protect everyone’s health and safety, this message serves as notification. While we cannot identify the individuals who tested positive for the virus because of privacy laws, we have gathered the names of those few students and employees that worked in proximity with the two individuals who tested positive.
One student reported testing positive at the beginning of the week who was last on campus on November 16. Following our protocols for safety, those who interacted with the student have already been contacted, advised to self-quarantine and follow up with their health care provider. All on-campus activities for that group have also been suspended for the remainder of the semester, and as of now, no further positive tests have been reported.
Yesterday evening an employee in another area of the College also reported testing positive. This individual is self-quarantining and reported to the College that they had had contact with four individuals on campus. Following our protocols for safety, they have been advised to self-quarantine, follow up with their health care provider, and will not be returning to campus until the quarantine period is over and negative testing is confirmed.
We are continuing to monitor both situations, and at this time, I ask that you not make unnecessary trips to Laney College or any campus unless you are performing essential functions. I urge all employees to follow the Campus Access steps as previously shared by Vice President Pinto. You may find them pasted below this message for reference.
The Laney College campus is officially closed until May 29, 2021, with exceptions made for individuals performing essential roles on campus.
We ask that you abide by Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines to protect your health and those around you. They are as follows:
Abide by state guidelines as it relates to counties in the Purple Tier. Also, please observe the curfew that was part of the Limited Stay-at-Home Order by Governor Newsom.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
Follow all recommendations provided by the CDC.
If you have medical questions, please contact your health care provider. Students with concerns can contact the Roots Clinic at (510) 533-1248 (please provide your student ID during the call).
If you, or someone in your household, shows COVID-19 related symptoms, please notify Human Resources, your immediate supervisor, Vice President Derek Pinto, or me. Be assured that we will maintain confidentiality to the highest degree possible.
As everyone’s health and safety are our priority, we will continue to assess the situation and provide updates.
For any further questions, please contact Administrative Services at Also, please visit for the most up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 for students, faculty/staff, and the community.
We appreciate everyone continuing to do their best to support our students and colleagues.
Rudy Besikof
Laney College
A holiday message from the Chancellor
We are living in unprecedented times, during which your health and the health of your family, friends, and community all depend on our collective actions. Health experts have warned us to not have family over this Thanksgiving and during the December holiday season. I know not being able to be with one’s family, to hang with friends, to unburden oneself in the company of others, can make this season feel unusually difficult.
We are living in unprecedented times, during which your health and the health of your family, friends, and community all depend on our collective actions. Health experts have warned us to not have family over this Thanksgiving and during the December holiday season. I know not being able to be with one’s family, to hang with friends, to unburden oneself in the company of others, can make this season feel unusually difficult.
I strongly encourage you to follow the health officials’ advice. I hope you can find solace and joy by visiting over the phone or online. Or, even the very, very old-fashioned method of yester years: Write a thoughtful letter to those you know and love. I am sure they will treasure getting an old-fashioned piece of snail mail from someone they love. Most important is to remember gratitude.
Personally, I plan to stay at my home this Thanksgiving. I am going to try my hand at making some new dishes, —along with my world-famous sweet potato pie!
I hope you try some new dishes, new treats, learn something new, and read new things during this cocooning time. I know this is not going to be normal Thanksgiving season, but we have much to be grateful for. I am so grateful for the opportunity to work with you: the amazing faculty, classified professionals, and administrators who have dedicated our lives in the service of students at the Peralta colleges.
In the meantime, we keep on making it happen at at the Peralta Colleges, pressing forward, realizing our dreams.
Be well,
Dr. Carla Walter
Interim Chancellor
Possible PG&E Shutdown at Merritt College due to Fire Danger (10/23/20)
Good morning, Merritt Community.
We have just received notice that there is a possible PG&E shutdown scheduled for Merritt College and the surrounding area. The outage is scheduled from this Sunday, 8:00pm to Tuesday, 12:00pm (and of course the length of time is subject to change).
Good morning, Merritt Community.
We have just received notice that there is a possible PG&E shutdown scheduled for Merritt College and the surrounding area. The outage is scheduled from this Sunday, 8:00pm to Tuesday, 12:00pm (and of course the length of time is subject to change).
I will continue to provide updates as they become available but please take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly.
Stay safe and be well.
David M. Johnson, Ph.D.
Merritt College
(510) 436-2501
A message from the president of College of Alameda
Dear COA Community,
We learned today that an individual participating in a Career Education lab has tested positive for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. The health and well-being of our students and employees is paramount.
Dear COA Community,
We learned today that an individual participating in a Career Education lab has tested positive for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. The health and well-being of our students and employees is paramount.
While we cannot identify the individual who tested positive for the virus because of privacy laws, we have gathered the names of those few students and instructor that worked in proximity with the person who tested positive. Following our protocols for safety, those students/employee have already been contacted and advised to self-quarantine and follow up with their health care provider.
The COA campus is already officially closed until January 4, 2021, with exceptions made for the food giveaways that take place on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11:00-12:30p.m. and Tuesdays/Thursdays 10-2 for limited campus access. As previously requested, I ask that you not make unnecessary trips to campus at this time unless you are performing essential functions (which can also include preparing your fall online class sessions or carrying out your CE labs).
If you as an employee have medical questions, please contact your health care provider. Students with concerns can contact the Roots Clinic at 510-777-1177 (please provide your student ID during the call).
If you have concerns about your working environment on campus, please contact Vice Chancellor Chanelle Whittaker in the Human Resources office at
It remains critical that we maintain the best practices for health and safety: wash your hands; wear a mask; maintain social distancing of 6 feet when around other people, especially if you come to campus.
Please visit for the most up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 for students, faculty/staff and the community.
Thank you and stay safe,
Dr. Miller
Don Miller, Ph.D.
Interim President, College of Alameda
555 Ralph Appezzato Memorial Parkway
Alameda, CA 94501
Phone: (510) 748-2301
Fax: (510) 814-9273
An important announcement regarding the upcoming Winter session and Spring 2021 semester
Dear Peralta Community,
I am writing to provide an important announcement regarding the upcoming Winter session and Spring 2021 semester. We are facing a very delicate time with the ongoing crisis of COVID-19, and the recent wildfires that have ravaged our area. As such, our community remains in a declared public health emergency at the national, state and local level. Given the current health orders, safety protocols and restrictions, and expert health advice, it has been determined that the Peralta campuses (Berkeley City College, College of Alameda, Merritt College and Laney College) and facilities will remain closed through May 29, 2021. All classes for the Winter session and Spring 2021 semester will be delivered via a remote/online learning environment. An exception has been made for a very limited number of laboratory and CTE classes that cannot be conducted via a remote/online platform. Please be assured that all face-to-face laboratory and CTE classes will be monitored closely, and must adhere to strict safety protocols and restrictions.
Student services will continue to be offered online, including Admissions and Records, Financial Aid, and Counseling. As is currently the case, personnel performing essential functions may be required to work on-site. If you need access to campus, please check with your supervisor or college President’s Office to make arrangements.
We will continue conferring with public health officials and make an announcement by March regarding the delivery of Summer 2021 classes, and potential continued campus closure.
While many of you may be eager to return to campus life, the health and safety of everyone in our community is the top priority at Peralta Community College District. Therefore, we will only return at the advice and guidance of public health officials, and when the necessary safety protocols are in place district-wide.
As you know, COVID-19 can spread from person-to-person. Everyone can help to prevent the spread by washing their hands often, staying at least 6 feet away from others, wearing a facial covering over your nose and mouth, and cleaning and disinfecting areas.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of the Administrators, Classified Staff and Faculty that have remained dedicated throughout this challenging time. We are truly a remarkable community.
If you require any support with your employment or benefits needs, please contact Chanelle Whittaker, Interim Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and Employee Relations at
The latest updates from Peralta regarding COVID-19 are available at the Safe Peralta website.
All my best, and please be well!
Dr. Carla Walter
Acting Chancellor, Peralta Community College District
Four Steps to Emergency Preparedness
Get prepared for the next disaster. Learn the 4 Steps to Emergency Preparedness from all the Alameda County Emergency Managers. Keep yourself and your family safe when a disaster strikes.
Get prepared for the next disaster. Learn the 4 Steps to Emergency Preparedness from all the Alameda County Emergency Managers. Keep yourself and your family safe when a disaster strikes.
Unhealthy Air Quality Update
Peralta Community,
As you are well aware the terrible fires that have caused so much destruction have again this year brought unhealthy air conditions. The air in Alameda County is currently in the red zone. The exact measurements vary across the multiplicity of microclimates here in the East Bay but all around the air is not good.
Peralta Community,
As you are well aware the terrible fires that have caused so much destruction have again this year brought unhealthy air conditions.
The air in Alameda County is currently in the red zone. The exact measurements vary across the multiplicity of microclimates here in the East Bay but all around the air is not good.
Air Now, home of the U.S. Air Quality Index gives the following recommendations:
People with heart or lung disease, older adults, children and teens – take any of these steps to reduce your exposure:
Avoid strenuous outdoor activities.
Keep outdoor activities short.
Consider moving physical activities indoors or rescheduling them.
Everyone else – take any of these steps to reduce your exposure:
Choose less strenuous activities (like walking instead of running) so you don’t breathe as hard.
Shorten the amount of time you are active outdoors.
Be active outdoors when air quality is better.
The forecast they give is for similarly bad air quality tomorrow, with improving conditions from Wednesday onward, but keep in mind these things are hard to predict exactly. We recommend paying close attention to websites like Air Now and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District website to get an accurate idea of the current situation.
Late Start Essential CE Courses and Athletic Conditioning Update
Dear Peralta Community,
I hope the Fall 2020 Semester is going well for you! Last month we announced preliminary plans to proceed with late start in-person Career Education (CE) classes and athletic conditioning programs this semester. I am pleased to confirm that these classes and programs will proceed as planned beginning on September 14, 2020. Here are the details:
Dear Peralta Community,
I hope the Fall 2020 Semester is going well for you! Last month we announced preliminary plans to proceed with late start in-person Career Education (CE) classes and athletic conditioning programs this semester. I am pleased to confirm that these classes and programs will proceed as planned beginning on September 14, 2020. Here are the details:
College of Alameda, Laney College, and Merritt College will provide late-start Face-to-Face lab sessions for Career Education (CE) courses for essential industries only. These lab classes start on or after September 14, 2020.
The Athletic departments will be able to start training and conditioning on September 14, 2020 (air quality permitting). Per the county health guidelines, the teams will not be permitted to practice or play.
The health and well-being of students, faculty, staff, and the greater Alameda County region is the top priority for the Peralta Community College District. Before making this decision to proceed as planned with these in-person classes and athletic programs, we established protocols for our employees and students, and aligned ourselves with the guidance provided for CE and athletic training courses provided by the state authorities. We will follow the protocols outlined in this Tier 1 Plan Document as we return to in-person classroom instruction and campus work environments. It should be noted that any faculty member may opt out of teaching. While offering these in-person CE classes and athletic training are positive steps, I want to emphasize that the risk of COVID-19 remains high and Alameda County is in the “purple” range of the heat map.
We also will plan for Spring 2021 semester classes to be like Fall 2020, with most classes offered online and only essential CE programs being with face to face in-person instruction. These times are unprecedented, but I’m thrilled at how the Peralta Community has come together to serve students with these CE and sports opportunities.
Thank you to the Administrators, Classified Professionals and Faculty who continue to demonstrate remarkable dedication in service to students and our community.
The latest updates from Peralta regarding COVID-19 are available at the Safe Peralta website.
All my best, and please be well!
Dr. Carla Walter
Acting Chancellor, Peralta Community College District
Late Start Essential CE Courses & Athletics Conditioning Update
The health and well-being of students, faculty, staff, and the greater Alameda County region is the top priority for the Peralta Community College District. As the Fall 2020 semester rapidly approaches, the District continues to work around the clock and consult with Alameda County’s Public Health Department to adhere to the Statewide Public Health Officer Order issued July 13, 2020, and to ensure that we provide the safest modalities of service and instructional continuity to our community.
Dear Peralta Community,
The health and well-being of students, faculty, staff, and the greater Alameda County region is the top priority for the Peralta Community College District. As the Fall 2020 semester rapidly approaches, the District continues to work around the clock and consult with Alameda County’s Public Health Department to adhere to the Statewide Public Health Officer Order issued July 13, 2020, and to ensure that we provide the safest modalities of service and instructional continuity to our community.
Acting Chancellor Walter and the College Presidents, in consultation with the Peralta Federation of Teachers (PFT), write to you today to provide you with the following updates:
College of Alameda, Laney College, and Merritt College will provide late-start Face-to-Face lab sessions for Career Education (CE) courses for essential industries only. The tentative start dates for these courses are September 14, 2020 (provided health conditions, and Alameda County authorization allow for us to run these labs).
The Athletic departments will also tentatively be able to start training and conditioning on September 14, 2020 (provided health and safety conditions allow us to hold these sessions). Per the county health guidelines, the teams will not be permitted to practice or play.
These programs will only proceed if official approval is received from the Alameda County Public Health Department, indicating that all the necessary social distancing guidelines and protocols are in place.
Faculty and Administration are working to convert all science and non-essential CE courses to online courses wherever possible.
These decisions were not made lightly, and we relied heavily on the recommendations of faculty, Alameda County Public Health Department guidelines, and Peralta CCD Health Officials, as well as our peer institutions. The goal of having these programs start later in the semester is to minimize the potential of individuals gathering in large group areas and ensure that the campuses can maintain social distancing protocols. This promotes the safety of our community.
For the most up-to-date information and resources regarding Peralta’s response to limiting the spread of the novel coronavirus, please visit We appreciate your continued dedication to provide excellent service to the members of our community.
We’d like to thank everyone for thoughtful collaboration on this issue.
Dr. Carla Walter, Acting Chancellor
Dr. Angélica Garcia, President, Berkeley City College
Dr. Don Miller, Interim President, College of Alameda
Dr. Rudy Besikof, Interim President, Laney College
Dr. David M. Johnson, President, Merritt College
Chancellor Announcement: Campus Closures Extended Through Fall 2020
Dear Peralta Community,
The campus closures previously announced through August 2, 2020 have been extended to January 4, 2021. Student services will continue to be offered online, including Admissions and Records, Financial Aid, and Counseling. As is currently the case, personnel performing essential functions may be required to work on-site. If you need access to campus, please check with your supervisor or college President’s Office to make arrangements.
Dear Peralta Community,
The campus closures previously announced through August 2, 2020 have been extended to January 4, 2021. Student services will continue to be offered online, including Admissions and Records, Financial Aid, and Counseling. As is currently the case, personnel performing essential functions may be required to work on-site. If you need access to campus, please check with your supervisor or college President’s Office to make arrangements.
The Peralta Community College District continues to work closely with local public health officials and the State Chancellor’s Office to determine the safest way to serve the community and meet our mission. Like other community colleges across the state, Berkeley City College, College of Alameda, Laney College and Merritt College will offer most courses this Fall 2020 semester 100% online. Some courses that do not lend themselves to online learning easily, such as career education and laboratory classes, will be offered face-to-face on campus where it is safe to do so as an exception to the campus closures. However, we may need to cancel these in-person classes, (or hybrid face-to-face sessions) that are currently offered in the schedule if we cannot provide them in a safe environment. The health and safety of everyone in our community is the top priority at Peralta Community College District. We are concerned that even with several months of sheltering-in-place the COVID-19 cases in Alameda County, the state of California, and across the nation continue to rise. We are strongly considering the possibility that campuses will remain closed during the Spring 2021 semester, making that semester predominately online as well. We hope to provide the community with an update on Spring 2021 status by the end of September 2020.
Thank you to the custodians, groundskeepers, and engineers who have been reporting to campus throughout the shelter in place orders, and to the Administrators, Classified Professionals and Faculty who continue to demonstrate remarkable dedication in service to students and our community.
Please visit for the latest status information and resources for students, faculty/staff and the community.
Thank you and take good care,
Dr. Carla Walter
Acting Chancellor
Campuses and District Office Remain Closed through Summer Semester
The Peralta Community College District college campuses and the district office will remain closed through August 2, 2020. Personnel performing essential functions may be required to work on site.
On June 18, 2020, the Alameda County Public Health Officer issued Health Officer Order No. 20-14a which extended Shelter in Place indefinitely. It has not been rescinded. We realize the open-ended nature of this order makes planning difficult and hope this update is helpful.
Dear Peralta Community,
The Peralta Community College District college campuses and the district office will remain closed through August 2, 2020. Personnel performing essential functions may be required to work on site.
On June 18, 2020, the Alameda County Public Health Officer issued Health Officer Order No. 20-14a which extended Shelter in Place indefinitely. It has not been rescinded. We realize the open-ended nature of this order makes planning difficult and hope this update is helpful.
District continues remote service and work-from-home
Even with this revised order, the Peralta Community College District—including the College of Alameda, Berkeley City College, Laney College, Merritt College and the District Office—will remain in remote service modality through the end of Summer 2020 semester (August 2, 2020). Most classes and services will continue to be offered remotely, and most employees will continue to work from home, during that time frame.
It may be possible at a later date to restore limited campus operations under certain conditions. The District’s emergency operations team continues to assess conditions and develop plans based on the guidance in the health order and on institutional capacities. Any future changes in the District’s current operating model will be shared in advance.
Return to Campus Task Force
I have convened a Return to Campus Task Force to make recommendations on a safe transition back to work on the campuses and at the District Office.
Thank you to the custodians, grounds keepers, and engineers, who have been reporting to campus throughout the shelter in place orders and to the Administrators, Classified Professionals and Faculty who continue to demonstrate remarkable dedication to serving the community and meeting the mission.
We will continue to focus on keeping the community safe and supporting student educational needs during this time and into the future.
Take good care,
Dr. Regina Stanback Stroud, Chancellor
Chancellor’s Announcement: Fall 2020 Instruction and Student Services Update
Dear Peralta Community College District Faculty, Staff and Students,
As you wrap up this Spring semester, you are no doubt trying to make plans for the coming Summer and Fall semesters. I would like to provide some information that may be helpful to you as you make your plans.
We continue to work closely with local public health officials and the State Chancellors Office while we serve the community and meet our mission. Like other community colleges across the state, Berkeley City College, College of Alameda, Laney College and Merritt College will offer the majority of the courses and services this Fall 2020 semester as 100% online or hybrid (part online with limited face-to-face class time). Some courses that do not lend themselves to remote instruction easily, such as some career education laboratory disciplines, will be offered face-to-face where it is needed and safe to do so. Because we prioritize your safety, we recognize that there may be a small number of courses that will not be offered this Fall but we expect to offer them in Spring 2021.
Dear Peralta Community College District Faculty, Staff and Students,
As you wrap up this Spring semester, you are no doubt trying to make plans for the coming Summer and Fall semesters. I would like to provide some information that may be helpful to you as you make your plans.
We continue to work closely with local public health officials and the State Chancellors Office while we serve the community and meet our mission. Like other community colleges across the state, Berkeley City College, College of Alameda, Laney College and Merritt College will offer the majority of the courses and services this Fall 2020 semester as 100% online or hybrid (part online with limited face-to-face class time). Some courses that do not lend themselves to remote instruction easily, such as some career education laboratory disciplines, will be offered face-to-face where it is needed and safe to do so. Because we prioritize your safety, we recognize that there may be a small number of courses that will not be offered this Fall but we expect to offer them in Spring 2021.
Student services will continue to be offered online, including Admissions and Records, Financial Aid, and Counseling, to name a few.
We are making every effort to minimize disruptions to the educational mission as we support student success in achieving desired certificates, degrees and transfer. In preparation for Fall 2020, we will make changes within classrooms and laboratories to observe public health directives and guidance such as increased hand washing, avoiding sharing equipment when possible, systematic classroom cleaning protocols and recommendations on facial coverings and/or physical distancing. In the meantime, we will continue to engage in the necessary discussions with faculty and staff to insure the best decisions in service of you and your goals.
This Summer and throughout Fall 2020 each college will be offering instructional workshops or classes for faculty and students to learn the basics of Canvas (the platform PCCD uses for online instruction). Based on the State Chancellor’s Office requirements and accreditation considerations, all your faculty will be using Canvas to serve you.
I hope this information is helpful as you make plans to complete your educational goals. Please visit for the latest status information and resources for students, faculty/staff and the community.
Thank you and take good care,
Dr. Regina Stanback Stroud, Chancellor
Peralta Community College District
Requesting Refunds due to COVID-19
I write to update you on the process for requesting student refunds due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Peralta Community College District, including College of Alameda, Berkeley City College, Laney College and Merritt College, will refund course tuition fees to students who request an Excused Withdrawal (EW) grade for the course between March 11 and the end of the spring term on May 22, 2020.
Dear Students, Faculty, Staff, and Community Members:
I write to update you on the process for requesting student refunds due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Peralta Community College District, including College of Alameda, Berkeley City College, Laney College and Merritt College, will refund course fees to students who request an Excused Withdrawal (EW) grade for the course between March 11 and the end of the spring term on May 22, 2020. To request an EW and refund, please complete and submit the Request for Excused Withdrawal form HERE. Please ensure your correct mailing address is included on the form.
Upon approval, you will receive your reimbursement in the manner in which you paid. That means if you paid by credit card, you will receive a refund to your credit card from Official Payments. If you paid by cash, check, money order, or payment plan, you will receive a check from your College's Bursar's Office.
In addition, if you paid for a Spring 2020 semester parking pass, you’ll also be reimbursed for half of it as a check.
You should receive your refund in 10 business days after your EW is approved.
In terms of enrolling for the summer and fall, you may complete this process online via Passport. Also, a Payment Plan Form can be downloaded, completed and submitted electronically. It’s now available on the Payment Plan website. Students will receive confirmation of the status of their payment plan from within 3-5 business days.
If you’re unable to enroll for courses by credit card online, and you’d would like to pay with check or money order, we ask you to please mail a check or money order (no cash) to your campus Bursar Offices.
We at Peralta care deeply about you and we’re looking forward to your continued success.
Very truly yours,
Dr. Carla Walter
Vice Chancellor, Finance and Administration
Peralta Community College District
Chancellor Announcement: COVID-19 PCCD Community Update
On April 29, 2020, the Alameda County Health Officer issued an order extension of the shelter-in-place directive through May 31, 2020. While extending the duration, the revised directive also eased some restrictions. Construction activities and outdoor activities will be allowed to resume subject to conditions listed in the Order.
Dear Peralta Community,
On April 29, 2020, the Alameda County Health Officer issued an order extension of the shelter-in-place directive through May 31, 2020. While extending the duration, the revised directive also eased some restrictions. Construction activities and outdoor activities will be allowed to resume subject to conditions listed in the Order.
As restrictions are modified, it is critical to ensure that the growth of cases can be sufficiently contained to protect the health and safety of our community. The Peralta Community College District college campuses and the district office will remain closed through June 30, 2020. Personnel performing essential functions may be required to work on site while following all appropriate social distancing and safety measures.
Thank you to the many administrators, faculty and staff who have been working tirelessly to transition face-to-face instruction and student support services to online and remote modalities on this unprecedented scale. The work you all have done is truly inspiring.
We will do all we can to keep this community safe and support student educational needs, during this pandemic and into the future.
Take good care,
Dr. Regina Stanback Stroud, Chancellor