Guidelines For Merritt College COVID-19 Screening

Good evening, Merritt Community.

I am writing to provide an update regarding our COVID-19 Screening Processes for the Spring 2021 semester. The Peralta Board of Trustees has approved a partnership with InGenesis to carry out these screenings at Merritt College, and the guidelines are as follows:

All persons will need to be evaluated by an InGenesis Temperature Screener before entering their offices/classrooms/places of business. The Temperature Screener will verbally present each individual with a survey containing a set of questions recommended and supported by the CDC and the California Department of Public Health. The survey screening tool will be laminated for easy cleaning. If the answer to any of the survey questions is “yes”, the individual will be informed by the Temperature Screener that they need to leave the Campus. If the individual answers “no” to the survey questions, the Temperature Screener will proceed to take the individual’s temperature. If the temperature is 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or greater, the individual will be informed by the Temperature Screener that they need to leave the Campus. Temperatures taken by the Temperature Screeners will be conducted using a non-contact forehead Infrared thermometer. If the individual answers “no” to the survey questions and does not have a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or greater, the Temperature Screener will offer the second level of COVID-19 screening (the Smell Test) to the individual. The Temperature Screener will provide the Smell Test Fact Sheet and Consent Form to individuals who agree to take the Smell Test. The Temperature Screener will inform individuals that if they fail the Smell Test they need to leave the Campus.After the individual has signed the Consent Form, the Temperature Screener will conduct the Smell Test. The Temperature Screener will provide the results to the individual. If an individual declines to take the Smell Test (after it is determined that they do not have a temperature of 100.4 degrees) they will be provided (and required to wear) an N95 mask. Used disposable PPE will be discarded in the lined trash bin throughout the shift. Staff trained in the handling and disposal of biohazardous waste will remove the trash and replace the liner daily. All frequently touched surfaces, tabletops, and any barriers at the screening station(s) will be cleaned and disinfected following OSHA and CDC guidelines.

The Screening Station for Merritt College is located in the R Building through the Student Center entrance in front of the Welcome Center. The Screener is scheduled to be present from 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday – Friday.

Faculty members who are holding face-to-face sections on campus need to confirm that their students have been screened. This can be done by requesting that the student present the test results from the screening. For those faculty members holding sections that meet at a time when the screener is not present, please have your students complete a self-screening form (I have attached a draft sample form that can be customized for your needs). Students are expected to complete the self-screening form before every class meeting. Students are also required to complete a general waiver form (attached as well) that the instructor should keep on file. PPE will be provided to the students by the college and everyone is expected to adhere to the PCCD COVID-19 Protocols (attached).

We understand that what has been outlined above may not address every scenario or challenge. We are simply attempting to do our best to keep everyone safe and sound. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns going forward please contact me or email VC Atheria Smith at

Take care of yourselves and each other…

David M. Johnson, Ph.D.
Merritt College
(510) 436-2501


Sample Merritt College Prescreen Form

PCCD COVID-19 Protocol Guidelines Oct 2020

COVID-19 Waiver - Merritt College


Feel confident in the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine


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