COVID-19 Update: New Alameda County requirement regarding face coverings
Dear Peralta Community,
Beginning tomorrow, Wednesday April 22, 2020, Alameda County will begin enforcing Order of the Health Officer No. 20-08 (see below). This order requires the wearing of face coverings in public and certain shared work spaces.
Dear Peralta Community,
Beginning tomorrow, Wednesday April 22, 2020, Alameda County will begin enforcing Order of the Health Officer No. 20-08 (see below). This order requires the wearing of face coverings in public and certain shared work spaces.
This Order requires that people wear Face Coverings, which may be simple do-it-yourself coverings as further described below, in three main settings.
First, members of the public must wear Face Coverings while inside of or waiting in line to enter Essential Businesses and other businesses or facilities engaged in Minimum Basic Operations, providing Essential Infrastructure, and providing Essential Government Functions (except Healthcare Operations, which are subject to different requirements), when seeking healthcare from Healthcare Operations, and when waiting for or riding on public transportation and other types of shared transportation. Each of the capitalized terms other than “Face Coverings” in the preceding sentence are defined in Health Officer Order No. 20-04.
Second, this Order also requires employees, contractors, owners, and volunteers of all Essential Businesses or those operating public transportation and other types of shared transportation to wear a Face Covering when at work.
And third, this Order also requires workers engaged in Minimum Basic Operations, Essential Infrastructure work, and Essential Government Functions to wear a Face Covering in areas where the public is present or likely to be and at any time when others are nearby.
The Order is effective at 11:59 p.m. on April 17, 2020 but provides for a grace period in enforcement until 8:00 a.m. on April 22, 2020.
This Order includes certain exceptions. For instance, this Order does not require that any child aged twelve years or younger wear a Face Covering and recommends that any child aged two years or younger should not wear one because of the risk of suffocation. This Order also does not apply to people who are in their own cars alone or with members of their own household. It also does not require people wear Face Coverings while engaged in outdoor recreation such as walking, hiking, bicycling or running, though it does recommend that they have a Face Covering with them and still requires them to practice social distancing and other measures to protect against transmission of the virus.
The complete order is attached HERE
Thank you and take good care,
Mark Johnson
Interim Executive Director
Department of Marketing, Communication & Public Relations
Peralta Community College District
510-466-7369 (office)
415-265-4645 (mobile)
This Announcement submitted by Mark Johnson. Contact Mark at if you have questions about this Announcement.
Coronavirus Update from Chancellor Stanback Stroud: Summer classes to be held remotely
To safeguard the health and wellbeing of the Peralta community, all Summer 2020 classes at Berkeley City College, College of Alameda, Laney College and Merritt College will be offered remotely. Also, important student services will be provided remotely. The Peralta Community College District college campuses and the district office will remain closed through June 30, 2020.
A letter from the office of the Chancellor
Dear Peralta Community,
To safeguard the health and wellbeing of the Peralta community, all Summer 2020 classes at Berkeley City College, College of Alameda, Laney College and Merritt College will be offered remotely. Also, important student services will be provided remotely. The Peralta Community College District college campuses and the district office will remain closed through June 30, 2020.
We realize this is a difficult situation for most. We will do all we can to keep this community safe and support student educational needs, now and into the future.
Visit for the latest information about the COVID-19 pandemic and Peralta Community College District.
Thank you and take good care.
Dr. Regina Stanback Stroud, Chancellor
Updated UC / CSU Pass/No Pass grading policies
The California State University (CSU) and University of California (UC) systems have just sent new information about Community College students who opt for a Pass/No Pass grade option. During the spring and summer 2020 semester only and due to the COVID-19 crisis, both CSU and UC are accepting Pass (P) grades.
Pass/No Pass Grading Option for Students
The California State University (CSU) and University of California (UC) systems have just sent new information about Community College students who opt for a Pass/No Pass grade option. During the spring and summer 2020 semester only and due to the COVID-19 crisis, both CSU and UC are accepting Pass (P) grades.
The CAUTION is that the CSU and UC Office of Admissions guidance’s include details and particular information about the impact of the P grade on different majors. It is strongly recommended that students discuss this grade option with a Counselor before making a final decision. In addition, if you are thinking about transferring to a university that is not a UC or CSU (out-of-state, HBCU or private) the P grade may not be accepted at all.
The P grade will not calculate into a student’s grade point average. Students seeking this option will need to request it directly to their instructor.
Information from UC Admissions is HERE
Information from CSU Admissions is HERE
To contact a counselor at your college, please note the following:
Laney College Student Services
Frequently asked questions from UC Admissions website:
+ I had to take units Pass/No Pass (Credit/No Credit) this term. Will it affect my ability to enroll?
Many community colleges are providing a Pass/No Pass or Credit/No Credit grading scheme for the winter, spring and summer terms in 2020 — sometimes with no other grading alternatives for students.
In light of this, UC has temporarily suspended its cap on Pass/No Pass (Credit/No Credit) units required to enroll at a UC campus as a junior. Any courses taken with Pass/No Pass or Credit/No Credit grading in the winter, spring and summer terms of 2020 will not count toward UC’s limit of 14 semester/21 quarter transferable units.
+ Will UC accept Pass/No Pass (Credit/No Credit) grading in courses required for my major?
Completing major preparatory coursework with letter grades may be an admissions factor for individual campuses. In such cases, departmental faculty and campus admissions offices have been encouraged to be as flexible with fall 2020 transfer students as possible. Inquire with the campus admissions office if you have questions or concerns.
+ Can I complete required transfer courses this coming summer, if spring courses have been cancelled?
Yes, so long as you meet minimum admissions requirements by the time you enter UC in the fall; this includes completion of 60 semester/90 quarter transferable units and the 7-course pattern, as well as attainment of a minimum 2.4 GPA (2.8 for nonresidents). Completing minimum requirements by spring is a selection criterion used by many of our campuses. Students who will need summer coursework to meet minimum requirements due to spring course cancellations should work directly with their UC campus admissions office to determine any potential impact on an admission decision.
+ How will UC calculate my GPA if I receive Pass/No Pass (Credit/No Credit) grades in A-G courses?
Pass (P) or Credit (CR) grades will meet A-G subject requirements but will not be calculated in the GPA. UC will continue to calculate the GPA for admission purposes using all A-G courses passed with letter grades in grades 10 and 11, including summer terms following grades 9, 10 and 11. Extra points in honors-level coursework will continue to be capped at 8 semesters of honors points in A-G courses completed with letter grades of A, B and C in grades 10 and 11.
Chancellor Announcement: College Campuses to Remain Closed Through June 30, 2020
The Peralta Community College District college campuses and the district office will remain closed through June 30, 2020. Personnel performing essential functions may be required to work on site.
The Peralta Community College District college campuses and the district office will remain closed through June 30, 2020. Personnel performing essential functions may be required to work on site.
Classes that can be conducted remotely will resume on Monday, April 6, 2020. Faculty will continue the excellent work of converting face-to-face classes into remote instructional formats. Also, important student services will be provided remotely. Classes and services that cannot be transitioned to a remote format will not be able to proceed until the campuses reopen. We will continue to explore the possibility of resuming instruction of programs that prepare essential sector critical infrastructure workers identified in Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-33-20 but cannot be converted to a remote modality.
Thank you to the many administrators, faculty and staff who have been working tirelessly to transition on this unprecedented scale.
I realize this is a difficult situation. We will do all we can to keep this community safe and support student educational needs, during this pandemic and into the future.
Take good care,
Dr. Regina Stanback Stroud, Chancellor
April 1 Virtual Town Hall : How Does COVID-19 Impact My Classes?
There is an upcoming Town Hall for Peralta Students: HOW DOES COVID-19 IMPACT MY CLASSES?
Wednesday, April 1, 11-12pm
There is an upcoming Town Hall for Peralta Students: HOW DOES COVID-19 IMPACT MY CLASSES?
Wednesday, April 1, 11-12pm
Join in to watch and participate HERE
Or watch/listen:
On Youtube // On KGPC Radio
Update March 20, 2020
This message expressed gratitude to faculty working hard to shift their classes to online, and thanked academic senate leadership and distance ed teams for evaluating labster which will help move some lab classes online.
An announcement email from Chancellor Regina Stanback Stroud was sent to the Peralta community on Friday morning, March 20, 2020. The text of the email can be found here and on the Peralta blog:
Dear Peralta Community,
Following Alameda County’s “Shelter-in-Place” order, Governor Newsom has now issued the same directive statewide. The PCCD Emergency Management Team has been convening via Zoom every day to respond to the emergency and facilitate institutional and academic continuity.
I would like to thank those of you who have stepped up in support of the effort. Your flexibility in these uncertain times has been invaluable as we navigate these paths. Your commitment and perseverance in service to students and the community is inspirational.
Please be reminded, all classes are canceled March 23-April 5, 2020. Remote instruction is scheduled to resume on April 6, 2020.
Over the next two weeks, faculty will continue the excellent work of converting face-to-face classes into remote instructional formats. Non-instructional faculty and staff will continue to provide important student services using remote formats.
Thank you to the many faculty and staff who have been working with us to transition on this unprecedented scale. We will continue to disseminate information related to the many details that are being worked out in order to maintain institutional and academic continuity.
The health and safety of members of the Peralta community remains our top priority. We will continue to make sure our decisions are informed by the latest information from local, state, and national health authorities as well as the state chancellor’s office.
Chancellor Eloy Ortiz Oakley has projected, based on data from the California Department of Public Health, that the need for social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19 will continue well into June and perhaps beyond. Vice Chancellor Siri Brown and her team, the college Vice Presidents of Instruction, the District and College Academic Senate leaders, Distance Education coordinators and leads are exploring options for laboratory, career education, and activity classes. Thank you to the more than 35 science discipline faculty who participated in the Labster demonstration as they consider remote laboratory instruction.
We will continue to update you as the situation evolves. The latest updates from Peralta regarding COVID-19 are available at
Peralta serves a diverse community of learners and we are committed to maintaining a welcoming environment of belonging. Please treat each other with respect and kindness in these challenging times. You are all important members of our community.
Thank you for the incredible job you are doing as we respond to the emerging information.
Take good care,
Dr. Regina Stanback Stroud, Chancellor
Update From March 18, 2020 – Information for Students
Dr. Siri Brown, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Student Success, provided students with detailed information about the shift to remote instruction and learning when classes resume on April 6, 2020.
Dr. Siri Brown, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Student Success, provided students with detailed information about the shift to remote instruction and learning when classes resume on April 6, 2020. You can read the email sent to students here and the blog post here.
Dear Students,
As the majority of Peralta Colleges faculty (College of Alameda, Berkeley City College, Laney and Merritt College) prepare to transition their classes to a remote delivery format, please know that you have options and support during the challenging times we face with the COVID-19 public health crisis. Note that this information applies to partial closure and full closure conditions for our college communities.
The latest information about COVID-19 at the Peralta District always available here:
Classes Resume April 6, 2020
We are working hard to convert as many classes to a remote form of instruction by April 6th. The majority of the classes will be taught through “Canvas”. Canvas is the name of the online classroom software that is used at the Peralta Colleges. Prior to April 6th, faculty are receiving training, preparing to teach online and we are exploring ways to convert as many disciplines as possible to an online format.
For classes that CANNOT be moved to a remote form of instruction, you will receive notification with details and next steps before April 7th.
Student Support for Learning Online
Student Resources for Distance Education: Canvas
Low Cost Internet:
Comcast is offering 2 months free internet to low-income households
Be sure to communicate with your faculty if you are not familiar with online learning or need additional support to be successful in the class
Make sure you check your Peralta email daily. To forward your Peralta email to your gmail or yahoo see here for instructions
Check your email daily so that you don’t miss communication from your instructors or other key announcements
We are working to increase our online accessibility and support for DSPS students who may have concerns about moving to remote forms of instruction. Please email your counselor and instructor with concerns
Online Tutoring
Peralta’s Online Learning Platform (Canvas) has free Online Tutoring that may help students be successful in the transition to online learning
Pass/No Pass Grading Option
Many classes can allow a student to change to a Pass/No Pass grade option. This may provide you with a sense of ease in this transition. Please contact your instructor(s) to see if this is an option for your course. Note that choosing this option may impact whether or not the UC or other 4-year colleges accept a course for transfer. It is recommended that you contact your counselor who can assist you in making this decision. For the current spring 2020 corona virus related emergency, this option may only be available for late start classes.
Excused Withdrawal
Our hope is that each student can successfully finish this semester. If not, please consider the following options and know that you can attend classes this summer and fall—enrollment begins April 6, 2020.
“Excused Withdrawal” (EW) occurs when a student is permitted to withdraw from a course(s) due to specific events beyond the control of the student affecting his or her ability to complete a course(s). This can include illness of the student or someone they care for (documentation is required). It can also include a student statement that they are unable to transition from a face-to-face class to an online learning format
Excused withdrawals are not counted in progress probation and dismissal calculations.
Excused withdrawals are not counted toward the permitted number of withdrawals or counted as an enrollment attempt
Excused withdrawals do not result as F grades on student transcripts. Instead an “EW” will be on the students’ permanent record and transcript
Incomplete Grade:
Incomplete Grades (I) may be provided to students where faculty agree and if you have successfully (C or better) completed this class by (2/3 or 75% of the semester). If the faculty agrees to give an I grade, there is a form that must be completed and signed by the faculty and student. The form must describe what course work the student is to complete to replace the I grade with a final course grade. An I grade allows students one year to complete the work. Remember, that not all faculty can or will agree to give an I grade.
Waiving of Some Financial Aid Regulations
The federal government has relaxed Financial Aid penalties in light of the COVID-19 health crisis. Absence and a decrease in units due to illness and/or COVID-19 related issues might not negatively impact a students’ financial aid. For more information or for questions about your particular situation, please go to the financial aid office at your college. More information is also here.
Graduation and Transfer
More information will be sent about alternative formats for graduation ceremonies and the impact of the emergency on students seeking to transfer this fall.
For additional information on any of the above items, please email Dr. Siri Brown, Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, at
Update from March 17, 2020 – FAQ
A FAQ regarding the COVID-19 crisis. Responses to the questions below are based on information available as of March 17, 2020. COVID-19 continues to be a dynamic public health emergency and the Chancellor and the Emergency Management Team are making decisions based on current advice from government authorities and public health officials.
The responses to the questions below are based on information available as of March 17, 2020. COVID-19 continues to be a dynamic public health emergency and the Chancellor and the Emergency Management Team are making decisions based on current advice from government authorities and public health officials.
+ Does the cancellation apply to my class?
Yes. All classes are cancelled from Monday, March 23, through Sunday, April 5, 2020.
+ I'm Part-Time Faculty. Will I still be paid for the two-weeks of cancelled classes?
+ I'm a student employee. Will I still be paid for the two-weeks of cancelled classes?
Yes. Employees (including student workers) will maintain their respective schedule remotely and continue to be paid during this time.
+ Are we extending the Spring Semester into June 2020?
The district and PFT have not negotiated a change in the Academic calendar. We will consider it as the situation unfolds.
+ When do classes resume?
Monday, April 6, 2020.
+ When will the campuses open again?
The college campuses and the district office will remain closed to effectuate the Order of the Health Officer of Alameda County to shelter in place (see
+ Since the campuses are closed, how can I pick up my paycheck?
The Payroll Department will mail checks to the employee’s home address. Please contact the Payroll Department at if you have questions or concerns.