Update from March 17, 2020 – FAQ

The responses to the questions below are based on information available as of March 17, 2020.  COVID-19 continues to be a dynamic public health emergency and the Chancellor and the Emergency Management Team are making decisions based on current advice from government authorities and public health officials.

+ Does the cancellation apply to my class?

Yes. All classes are cancelled from Monday, March 23, through Sunday, April 5, 2020.

+ I'm Part-Time Faculty. Will I still be paid for the two-weeks of cancelled classes?


+ I'm a student employee. Will I still be paid for the two-weeks of cancelled classes?

Yes. Employees (including student workers) will maintain their respective schedule remotely and continue to be paid during this time.

+ Are we extending the Spring Semester into June 2020?

The district and PFT have not negotiated a change in the Academic calendar. We will consider it as the situation unfolds.

+ When do classes resume?

Monday, April 6, 2020.

+ When will the campuses open again?

The college campuses and the district office will remain closed to effectuate the Order of the Health Officer of Alameda County to shelter in place (see http://www.acgov.org/documents/Final-Order-to-Shelter-In-Place.pdf)

+ Since the campuses are closed, how can I pick up my paycheck?

The Payroll Department will mail checks to the employee’s home address. Please contact the Payroll Department at DistrictPayroll@peralta.edu if you have questions or concerns.


Update From March 18, 2020 – Information for Students