s classes grades refund aaron harbour s classes grades refund aaron harbour

+ How are classes that include in-person labs being handled remotely?

Faculty have worked hard to convert science labs and activity classes like Physical Education (PE) and dance into remote formats, as have many of the Career Education (CE) faculty. For information on your specific class please contact your instructor.

Faculty have worked hard to convert science labs and activity classes like Physical Education (PE) and dance into remote formats, as have many of the Career Education (CE) faculty.

We are pleased to confirm that these classes and programs will proceed as planned beginning on September 14, 2020. Here are the details: 

  • College of Alameda, Laney College, and Merritt College will provide late-start Face-to-Face lab sessions for Career Education (CE) courses for essential industries only. These lab classes start on or after September 14, 2020.

  • The Athletic departments will be able to start training and conditioning on September 14, 2020 (air quality permitting).  Per the county health guidelines, the teams will not be permitted to practice or play. 

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