+ Vaccine Policies and Procedures
Do I need to be vaccinated?
Yes, there is a mandatory vaccination policy for district employees and contractors.
On August 5, 2021, Peralta Chancellor Jannett Jackson announced the vaccination policy. The Chancellor’s statement is: https://safe.peralta.edu/updates/campusstatus8-3-21. To read the policy and find other return to campus information see: https://safe.peralta.edu/.
If I am only teaching online, do I need to be vaccinated?
Yes, you do. If you are an employee of the district, you need to be vaccinated as a condition of employment.
Do students need be Vaccinated?
The mandatory vaccination policy includes students. For now, please note that students do not need to show proof of vaccination, but as it will be required soon, please encourage them to get vaccinated as soon as possible. Further details on student vaccination reporting and requirements will follow later in the semester.
Can an employee request to be exempt from the vaccination policy?
For those wishing to be exempt from the vaccine policy, fill out the appropriate forms below and submit via Company Nurse. For questions re: uploading, contact screen@companynurse.com. For any other questions, contact hr@peralta.edu
Medical Exception Form Certification From Medical Professional Religious Exemption Form
What if I am partially vaccinated?
The policy requires employees to be “fully vaccinated” or tested weekly for COVID-19. Employees receiving one shot in a two-shot series are not considered “fully vaccinated.”
Individuals are considered “fully vaccinated” when two weeks have passed since they completed a COVID-19 vaccine series.
How do I certify my vaccination status?
Employees need to certify their vaccination record by using the Company Nurse link screen.companynurse.com/e1e97fb066927023fcdf
See instructions for the Company Nurse site here
(Please note that this is a webpage, not an app. Employees are encouraged to bookmark the link for quick reference as needed, especially to check in to come to campus.)
How safe is my vaccination data in the District records system?
All employee data records per policy lie with the District Office of Human Resources, which is subject to privacy laws.
For more information, email hr@peralta.edu.
Where can I get vaccinated?
A vaccination event will be on campus on September 9. Register here: https://my.primary.health/r/clayworthvaccine
If you wish to get vaccinated through Alameda County, you can do so here: https://my.primary.health/r/alco-vax-signup
Do you have students with questions about testing or vaccinations?
Refer them to the Oakland Roots Community Health Center, located at 9925 International Boulevard, Oakland, 94603 (Phone: 510-777-1177)
Do I need to be vaccinated?
Yes, there is a mandatory vaccination policy for district employees and contractors.
On August 5, 2021, Peralta Chancellor Jannett Jackson announced the vaccination policy. The Chancellor’s statement is: https://safe.peralta.edu/updates/campusstatus8-3-21. To read the policy and find other return to campus information see: https://safe.peralta.edu/.
If I am only teaching online, do I need to be vaccinated?
Yes, you do. If you are an employee of the district, you need to be vaccinated as a condition of employment.
Do students need be Vaccinated?
The mandatory vaccination policy includes students. For now, please note that students do not need to show proof of vaccination, but as it will be required soon, please encourage them to get vaccinated as soon as possible. Further details on student vaccination reporting and requirements will follow later in the semester.
Can an employee request to be exempt from the vaccination policy?
For those wishing to be exempt from the vaccine policy, fill out the appropriate forms below and submit via Company Nurse. For questions re: uploading, contact screen@companynurse.com. For any other questions, contact hr@peralta.edu
Medical Exception Form Certification From Medical Professional Religious Exemption Form
What if I am partially vaccinated?
The policy requires employees to be “fully vaccinated” or tested weekly for COVID-19. Employees receiving one shot in a two-shot series are not considered “fully vaccinated.”
Individuals are considered “fully vaccinated” when two weeks have passed since they completed a COVID-19 vaccine series.
How do I certify my vaccination status?
Employees need to certify their vaccination record by using the Company Nurse link screen.companynurse.com/e1e97fb066927023fcdf
See instructions for the Company Nurse site here
(Please note that this is a webpage, not an app. Employees are encouraged to bookmark the link for quick reference as needed, especially to check in to come to campus.)
How safe is my vaccination data in the District records system?
All employee data records per policy lie with the District Office of Human Resources, which is subject to privacy laws.
For more information, email hr@peralta.edu.
Where can I get vaccinated?
If you wish to get vaccinated through Alameda County, you can do so here: https://my.primary.health/r/alco-vax-signup
Do you have students with questions about testing or vaccinations?
Refer them to the Oakland Roots Community Health Center, located at 9925 International Boulevard, Oakland, 94603 (Phone: 510-777-1177)