An archive of Peralta Community College District communications
concerning the Corona/COVID-19 virus

May 11 - Chancellor’s Announcement: Fall 2020 Instruction and Student Services Update

May 4 - Requesting Refunds due to COVID-19

April 30 - Chancellor Announcement: COVID-19 PCCD Community Update

April 22 - COVID-19 Update: New Alameda County requirement regarding face coverings

April 9 - Update from Chancellor Stanback Stroud: Summer classes to be held remotely

April 1 - A virtual town hall was held for student (replay it on youtube here)

March 26 - Update from Chancellor Stanback Stroud - District to remain closed through June 20, 2020

March 20 – Update from Chancellor Stanback Stroud

March 20 – A message regarding travel on behalf of the District being suspended until further notice, plus a FAQ for faculty

March 18 – Update: Resources and information for students

March 16 – Update: Alameda County Shelter in Place

March 13 – Update from Chancellor: Campuses Closed March 14-21, 2020

March 12 – COVID-19 Update: Spring Break Moved to March 16-21, 2020

March 10 – An email to faculty from Vice Chancellor Siri Brown with urgent  info for the Peralta academic continuity if PCCD closes due to COVID-19

March 6 – Update, activation of the Emergency Operations Center

March 4 – Update from Chancellor Stanback Stroud in a blog post and email sent to students and staff

March 2 – A message from Peralta Health Services on the Peralta blog

February 28 – In collaboration with Director of Health Services Dr. Kelly, the District has created a page on the Health Services website devoted to providing the latest information on the coronavirus

February 28 – An update was included in the weekly Peralta Gems newsletter; students were added to the mailing which is now received by the entire Peralta community

February 7 – An update in the Peralta Gems newsletter

February 5 – An announcement from Chancellor Stanback Stroud posted publicly on the Peralta website and also sent to staff and students via emai

class instruction