Update Regarding Laney Return to Campus

Dear Laney College Community.

Following the Chancellor’s email of Friday, September 24th, concerning employee return to campus, I am writing with an update of our plans at Laney.   

What is the return date?  - Please be advised that we are postponing return dates to the week of October 18, with 2-week notices going to employees on October 4th or 5th.   Please look for notification from your area Vice President, or in the case of Student Services, either the Dean of Enrollment Services or the Dean of Counseling.    

Delaying the notifications to the 4th and 5th (for return on the week of the 18th)  will allow employees to virtually attend Monday’s District Town Hall (October 4, 10:00 - 11:30; Zoom) prior to receiving notices.

What days/times will offices at Laney be open to students?  -  There has been high on-campus demand for services, even on Friday with just over 500 students attending in-person classes.  Thus, for the remainder of Fall 2021, offices will have “open to the public” hours from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. My thanks to campus classified leadership for allowing me to apprise them of plans and providing feedback. 

These hours align with the current opening/closing times of our Library, Cafeteria, and Cashier’s Office. 

Vaccination Information

or your review, below is also the pertinent information from the District regarding vaccination requirements:

Employee Vaccination:

As previously announced, all employees must provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 by October 7, 2021, as a condition of employment.  The Board of Trustees adopted the vaccination policy to make the inevitable return to in-person instruction and student support as safe as possible for all individuals involved. If you have not done so already, please upload your vaccination information or exemption request via Company Nurse. Exemption forms are available at Safe Peralta and also must be submitted by October 7, 2021.

Beginning on October 8, 2021, the vaccination policy will be enforced for employees and students.  For employees, failure to comply with the vaccination policy requirements may be grounds for administrative action.  If you are still in need of vaccination, contact your healthcare provider, use the free Alameda County Public Health Department vaccination service, use your local pharmacy, or sign up for upcoming clinics at the colleges as posted on Safe Peralta.

Student Vaccination:

Per the announcement from the District earlier in the week, Students will be required to upload proof of vaccination or exemption documents via the Campus Solutions module in PeopleSoft (https://sa.peralta.edu/). They will receive details on how to upload their proof of vaccination early the week of October 4th if not sooner.  

The District recommends students use the state Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record at https://myvaccinerecord.cdph.ca.gov/ to get a screenshot of their vaccination record for uploading in Campus Solutions. 

Beginning on October 13th, 2021, the vaccination policy will be upheld on campus for students.  If students still need a vaccination, there are several options available including: 

Students have access to The Roots Clinic via Peralta Health Services Friday Clinics at Laney College Alameda County Public Health Department vaccination service Local pharmacies

We certainly acknowledge that this may be a challenging adjustment period for many who will be returning to campus, so please know that rolling these return dates out with the utmost care has been our primary goal.

As always, thank you for your service to our students and support of each other.


Rudy Besikof, Ed. D.
Laney College


COA Return to Campus (RTC) Notification


Chancellor’s Announcement: Vaccine Policy Update 9/29/21