COA Return to Campus (RTC) Notification

Greetings College of Alameda Community,

I trust that you are doing well and staying safe. I would like to take this opportunity to share with you some important information regarding COA’s Return to Campus (RTC) plans. As you are aware, on Friday, September 24th, Chancellor Jackson sent an email to the entire District concerning employees’ return to campus. In addition, she has organized a virtual Town Hall on October 4th , from 10:00 - 11:30; via Zoom for RTC information dissemination and Q&A. I encourage you to attend this important event. The purpose of this communication is to provide similar information but a bit more specific to our campus community.     

In an effort to better serve students, starting the week of October 18th , COA will be increasing the number of in-person services and support offered. We will be providing in-person services across the college through units under our three key service divisions: Business & Administrative Services, Instruction/Academic Affairs, and Student Services. In general, in-person services will be provided 2-4 days per week. To this end, starting the week of October 4th, our wonderful staff will be asked to begin to work on campus to facilitate the provision of in-person services. COA managers will be providing staff with two-week RTC notification letters. These notifications will indicate the employees on campus work schedule. If there are any issues or concerns regarding your schedule, please address them with your manager or area Vice President.  To support our staff, administrators will be on campus 2-5 days a week as well. We are all in this together---supporting student learning and success!  

Please be advised that PCCD employees and students must be vaccinated or have an approved exemption. For your convenience, below is information regarding the District’s vaccination requirements:

Employee Vaccination:

As previously announced, all employees must provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 by October 7, 2021, as a condition of employment.  The Board of Trustees adopted the vaccination policy to make the inevitable return to in-person instruction and student support as safe as possible for all individuals involved. If you have not done so already, please upload your vaccination information or exemption request via Company Nurse. Exemption forms are available at Safe Peralta and also must be submitted by October 7, 2021.Those not vaccinated will have to submit to weekly COVID-19 testing  to ensure that the risk of them being on campus is minimized. Please see Safe Peralta for details regarding testing.

Beginning on October 8, 2021, the vaccination policy will be enforced for employees and, failure to comply with the vaccination policy may be grounds for administrative action.  If you are still in need of vaccination, contact your healthcare provider, use the free Alameda County Public Health Department vaccination service, use your local pharmacy, or sign-up for upcoming clinics at the colleges as posted on Safe Peralta.

Student Vaccination:

Per the announcement from the District earlier in the week, students will be required to upload their proof of vaccination or exemption documents via the Campus Solutions module in PeopleSoft ( They will receive details on how to upload their proof of vaccination early the week of October 4th if not sooner.  

The District recommends students use the state Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record at to get a screenshot of their vaccination record for uploading to Campus Solutions. 

Please be advised that beginning on October 13th , the vaccination policy will be upheld for students coming to campus and for all students starting Spring 2022.  If students still need a vaccination, there are several options available including: 

Students have access to The Roots Clinic via Peralta Health Services Friday Clinics at Laney College Alameda County Public Health Department vaccination service Local pharmacies

Additionally, everyone coming onto District operated property are required to wear masks or other appropriate face coverings. Maintaining a high degree of safety remains our chief priority.

I acknowledge the significant challenge and concern that these changes, as well as the fear and uncertainty that exist related to COVID-19 are creating. However, please know that we are doing all that we can to ensure that our students are able to continue and succeed in their education in a safe and supportive environment. Please be patient with us and one another as we chart these unfamiliar waters. As always, thank you for your service to our students and support of each other. Stay safe and have a great weekend.

Warmest regards,


Nathaniel Jones III, Ph.D., MBA
College of Alameda
410-952-3652 (cell)


Safe Return to Campus Town Hall video and slides now posted


Update Regarding Laney Return to Campus