Laney College COVID-19 Announcement

Dear Peralta Community,

I am writing to inform you that Laney College senior leadership was informed on Saturday, January 29th, of an individual who tested positive for COVID 19. To protect everyone’s health and safety in compliance with the law, this message serves as notification, though we cannot identify the individual who tested positive for the virus due to privacy laws.

This person was last at the College on Wednesday, January 26, and was on the Laney Campus in the Field House. The individual notified a college employee on the 28th, the same day they tested positive, and senior administration at the College became aware on the 29th.  Facilities and Campus Operations was immediately informed and the areas in question were cleaned and sanitized over the weekend. Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, this individual will remain off campus for five days from the date of the positive test result and then may return if they are no longer symptomatic. Also, this individual’s information will be forwarded to the County.

The health and well-being of our students and employees are of the utmost importance. If you develop flu or other symptoms including dry cough and fever, please contact your medical provider. 

Laney College opened for Spring Semester Instruction on January 24 with roughly half of its offerings on campus. Per policy and the District email of August 5, those coming to campus must go through screening and then exercise the required precautions.


College of Alameda – COVID-19 Notification


College of Alameda COVID-19 Notification