Notice of Positive Covid-19 Test in DGS

Dear DGS Community,   

We were notified on September 9, 2021, that one of our DGS employees was tested positive for COVID-19.  This notice was followed by another confirmed Covid-19 test on September 11, 2021, of one of our bond program contractors. Although limited, both had some presence in the DGS offices near the time they were diagnosed. While privacy laws prevent identification of the individuals, this message serves as required and responsible notification. 

These individuals will be quarantined away from PCCD for ten days from the date of their respective positive test results and may return afterwards if they have no illness symptoms. Also, the individuals’ information has been forwarded to the County for contact tracing. 

We hope you will keep in mind, respect the fact that, and act as if the health and well-being of everyone in the Peralta family is paramount.  If you develop flu or other symptoms including dry cough and fever, please contact your medical provider.    


Please take precautions when coming to campus and abide by the following Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines:   

  • Wear a mask.

  • Comply with state guidelines ( ).

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after being in a public place, blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

  • If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol. Cover all hand surfaces and rub together until hands feel dry.

  • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Contact your health care provider with any medical questions.

  • If you, or anyone in your household, shows COVID-19 related symptoms, please notify Human Resources or me. Be assured that we will maintain confidentiality to the highest degree possible.

For further information, Safe Peralta’s up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 is at:  

DGS will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates should there be further developments. In the meantime, any further concerns should be sent to my assistant Annie Javier at

Let’s continue to do our best to stay healthy and protect the wellbeing of all around us.   


Atheria Smith 
Interim Vice Chancellor of General Services
Peralta Community College District
333 East 8th Street Oakland CA 94606
510.587.7864 Office
510.333.2286 Mobile


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